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#74 (Possibly Breslau or Danzig), ND (1630-ies), AR Marriage medallic thaler, possibly by S. Dadler, similar to Wiecek-18, Wght: 27.33 g, Ø43mm, beautiful dark patina, XF
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#75 HILDESHEIM, 1724, MDCCXXIV, AR medal of 1-1/2 thaler weight, Wght: 44.27g, Ø55mm, Sede Vacante, XF
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#76 1800, AR medal by g. Loos, Religious medal quoting Psalm 119, Verse 105: SEIN WORT SEI DEINES FUSSES LEUCHTE UND EIN LICHT AUF DEINEM WEGE (BE THE LAMP OF HIS WORD TO YOUR FEET AND A LIGHT ON YOUR WAY), Wght: 9.54 g, Ø30mm, XF
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#77 1833, October 17, AE medal by Alsing commemorating Siegmund Diederich Ruecker's 25 year service as city's alderman, Ø42mm, gorgeous patina, As struck
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#78 HAMBURG, 1835, February 24, AE medal by L. Held struck by G. Loos commemorating life of Martin Garlieb Sillem, Mayor of Hamburg, Ø42mm, As struck
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#79 PRUSSIA , 1814, AR Military Honor Medal 2nd Class, Friedrich Wilhelm III (1797-1840), Wght: 22.00g, Ø40 mm, loop removed, XF
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#80 PRUSSIA , 1844, AE medal, Obv by J. Lorenz, struck by Loos, Rx by Schilling in Commemoration of German Industrial Products Exhibition in Berlin, Ø45mm, VF-XF
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#81 HAMBURG, 1851, February 24, AE medal by L. Held commemorating life of Christian Daniel Benecke, Mayor of Hamburg, Ø42mm, XF
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#82 HAMBURG, 1857, September 10, AE medal by J. Lorenz on 25th Anniversary of Hamburg artist association founded in 1832, Ø33mm, As struck
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#83 HAMBURG, 1879, May 24, AE medal by J. Lorenz, struck by Rudolf Koch on 350th Anniversary of Johannes Bugenhagen creating new church orders (Kirchenordnungen) for Hamburg, Ø42mm, minor edge bumps, XF
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#84 LEIPZIG, 1883,AE medal "Trade and knowledge together conquer the world". On 25th Anniversary of Creation of Commercial Association of Leipzig, Ø35mm, minor edge nicks, XF-AU
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#85 WORMS, 1889, November 20, AE medal City Festival and Entertainment Hall Opening, Ø51mm, As struck
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#86 HAMBURG, 1892, November 14, AE medal by Lauer commemorating life of Carl Friedrich Petersen, Mayor of Hamburg, Ø42mm, XF
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#87 ND (ca1880), AE silvered Shooting medal, Scharfes Auge Sichere Hand Undein Herz Furs Vaterland (sharp eye, sure hand and a heart for the fatherland) legend around. Unawarded. Ø40mm, AU
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#88 WESTFALIA, ND, AR medal for outstanding achievements, Wght: 25.21g, Ø40mm, SILBER 990 incused on the edge, beautiful patina, XF
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#89 1895,AE medal in gilt brass frame for The Dear Wife Pauline Eichholtz passed away in Mentone on 3.3.1894. Nothing for Yourself but All for Others from Alfred Eichholtz, Berlin 1895, Coll of Marienburg-Erbstein #18254, 70 x 57 mm with frame, UNC
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#90 1895, April 1, AR medal on Otto von Bismarck 80th Birthday, Wght: 16.80 g, Ø30mm, XF
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#91 1895, April 1, AE medal on Otto von Bismarck 80th Birthday, same as above, Ø30mm, XF
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#92 1900, October 17, AE medal by Lauer on appointment of Count Bernhard von Buelow as Chancellor of Germany, Wilhelm II (1888-1918), Ø33mm, AU
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#93 HANNOVER, 1903,December 12, AR silver wedding anniversary medal for Prince Ernest Augustus, the former Crown Prince of Hanover and former Duke of Cumberland and Princess Thyra of Denmark, Wght: 4.62 g, Ø22mm, Ernest Augustus (1878-1923), XF-AU
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#94 HAMBURG, 1908, September 4, AE medal by Br. Krause commemorating 50th Wedding Anniversary of Baron Heinrich Jacob Bernhard von Ohlendorff and Baroness Elizabeth. Gorgeous dark patina, Ø42mm, AU
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#95 BAVARIA, 1912, December 21, AR medal by Ludwig Christian Lauer, Nuremberg commemorating appointment of Prince Regent Ludwig of Bavaria (12 December 1912 – 5 November 1913), Wght: 17.27g, Ø33mm, Wilhelm II (1888-1918), SILBER 990 incused on edge, gorgeous even dark patina and gorgeous design, AU
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#96 PRUSSIA, 1913, June 15, AR medal by Lauer on 25th Anniversary or Wilhelm reign as Kaiser of Germany and King of Prussia, Wght: 16.90g, Ø33mm, AU
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#97 BAVARIA, 1913, November 5, AR medal by Ludwig Christian Lauer, Nuremberg commemorating Coronation of Ludwig as King of Bavaria (November 5, 1913-November 13, 1918), Wght: 17.73g, Ø33mm, SILBER 990 incused on edge, gorgeous even dark patina and gorgeous design, AU
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#98 ND (ca 1914), AR medal of Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, Zetzmann 6010, Wght: 17.53g, Ø34mm, SILBER 800 incused on edge, XF-AU
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#99 1914, September 22, AR medal of Captain-Lieutenant Otto Weddigen commander of U-bout, who on that day sank 3 British cruisers HMS Aboukir, HMS Hogue and HMS Cressy, Wght: 17.73g, Ø34mm, SILBER 890 incused on edge, SCARCE, XF-AU
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#100 BRANDENBURG PROVINCE, 1914, AR medal in honor of Coachman Hermann Stoll Schmachtenhagen (1886-1914), For many years of loyal service, Wght: 29.00g, Ø43mm, SILBER 890 incused on edge, SCARCE, XF-AU
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#101 HAMBURG, 1914, AE medal on 100th Anniversary of Hamburg Police Department, Ø45mm, As struck
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#102 1915, AR medal by Ludwig Christian Lauer, Nuremberg on Centennial of Bismarck's Birth, Wght: 17.70g, Ø34mm, SILBER 990 incused on edge, SCARCE, XF-AU
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Ludwig III (11913-1918)
#103 BAVARIA, 1914/16,AR Box Thaler by Rich. Klein obverse and M. Deschler reverse without inserts commemorating WWI battles and Generals, Wght: 28.72g, Ø53mm, XF
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#104 1935, July 19, AR medal by Karl Goetz on 125th year Memorial of Quinn Luis of Prussia Death. , Rienast 511, Wght: 19.90g, Ø36mm, BAYER. HAUPTMUNZMPT .SILBER 900f incused on edge, SCARCE, XF-AU
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Last updated 09/22/24
(C) 2000 Sema