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#1 before 550 BC, AE pre-dolphin, An I-a, Wght: 1.6 grams, 28 mm long, 9 mm wide, nice original green patina, VF
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#2 438-410 BC, AE 30 , An 14, S 1682, Wght 7.0 grams. Obv: head of Gorgon, rx: APIX in angles of four spokes of a wheel, F-VF
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#3 438-410 BC, AE dolphin (1/25 obol), An 23, sim to S 1684, Nech 88, Wght: 1.3 grams, 25 mm long, Y on rx, F-VF
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#4 400-380 BC, AE "cartwheel" , An 27, Wght: 1.3 grams, 12 mm in diameter, IT on rx., sharp, XF
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#5 275-245 BC, AE obol, An 133, Wght: 7.35g, obv.: beardless head of Pan to the l., rx.: bow and arrow with ПAN below, XF, Duplicate
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#6 220-210 BC, AE tetrachalk , An 145, sim to S 1707, Wght: 4.9 grams, 16 mm in diameter. Obv: bearded head of Pan r., rx: bow, arrow below, ПANT below, slightly porous , F-VF
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#7 150-140 BC, AE 12, An 169, S 1707, wght:2.52g, Obv: wreathed beardless head of Apollo right, Rx: bow in case, ПAN below, VF+
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Paerisades V (125-109 BC)
#8 115-109 BC, AE tetrachalk , An 188, Wght: 4.6 grams, 20mm in diameter. Obv: laureate head of Apollo, rx: bow case ПANTIKA above it, ПAITWN below, a bit rusted, F
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Mithradates VI Eupator (120-63 BC)
#9 90-80 BC, AE chalk ??? sim to An 203, but half the wight. Wght: 1.7 grams, 12 mm in diameter. Obv: tripod, rx: star П-A-N-(T-I-K)-A between the rays, slightly off center , F-VF
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Philip II (359-336 BC)
#10 359-336 BC, AE 29, sim to S 6696, but with 4 letters under the horse. Allegedly to commemorate his victory in Olympic Games, VG-F
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Domitian (69-96), as Augustus (79-96)
#11 79-96, AE quadrans, Sear NL, Obv: laur. head of Domitian r., IMPAVGGERM around, rx: tripod S-C on each side, VG-F
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Septimus Severus (193-211),
#12 193-211, AR denarius, Sear 1685, S 606a, Obv: laur. Head of Severus r., SEVERVS - PIVSAVG around, rx: Roma seated l., holding palladium and spear, RESTITVTOR - VRBIS around, Slabbed NGC XF
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Severus Alexander (222-235)
#13 IONIA EPHESUS, 222-235, AE15, Obv: head r., legend around, rx: boar to the right, legend around, G-VG
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Postumus (260-269)
#14 ROMANO-GALLIC EMPIRE, 260-269, Bl Double-Denarius (3.28g), sim. to S 331, Obv: radiate draped bust r., IMPCPOSTVMVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor in military dress stg. r., holding spear and globe, SAECVLIFELICITAS around, Slabbed NGC AU Strike: 4/s, Surface 4/s, Slabbed NGC AU
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Aurelian (270-275)
#15 270-275, antoninianus, sim. to Sear 3165, obv B, Obv: radiate draped bust r., IMPCAVRELIANVSAVG around, rx: female stg. r., presenting wreath to Aurelian stg. l., RESTITVTORBIS around. Lot of silver wash still on., VF-XF
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Probus (276-282)
#16 ROMAN EMPIRE, 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244 var., obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., offering olive branch to Jupiter standing left offering Victory to emperor, A . between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, XF
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#17 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244 var., obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., offering olive branch to Jupiter standing left offering Victory to emperor, Г. between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, XF
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#18 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244 var., obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., offering wreath to Jupiter standing left offering globe emperor, Г. between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, F-VF
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#19 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244 var., obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., offering wreath to Jupiter standing left offering globe emperor, S. between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, VF-XF
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#20 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244, obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., Jupiter standing left offering globe to the emperor, ∗ between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, VF-XF
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Diocletian (284-305)
#21 284-305, antoninianus, sim to Sear 3410, obv: rad. head r., IMPCCVALDIOCLETIANVSVSAVG around, rx: Diocletian standing r., Jupiter standing left offering Victory on globe to the emperor, S between them, CONCORDIAMILITVM around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, VF-XF
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Last updated 11/24/23
(C) 2000 Sema