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Orodes II (130-147 AD)
#270008 ELYMAIS, 1st-2nd cent AD, AR drachm, Wght: 3.8g
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#500016 130-147, AE tetradrachm, profiled bust, star, crescent and anchor to the right / field of dashes, F
[picture] [picture]
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#340012 211-207 BC, AE uncia, S 120, Obv: Helmeted head of Bellona right, pellet behind, Rx: Prow right, ROMA above, pellet below, much better and sharper than usual, VF-XF
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Tiberius(14AD-41AD)-Claudius(41-54 AD)
#350017 25-50 AD, AE tetrachalcon, Anokh 214, Obv: Laureate bust of divinity Chersonas right, Rx: XEP in wreath, crude artistic style, F
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Trajan (98-117 AD)
#410014 LYCIA, Year 2 of consularship (A.D. 98-99), AR drachm, Sear 1046, laureate head r., AYTKAICNEPTPAIANOCCEBГEPM around, rx: two lyres; ΔHMEΞYΠATB??year 2 of counsulship) around, F-VF
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#360005 ND (98-117), AE sestertius, Sear 901, RIC 652, BMC 1026, Cohen 158, VF+
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#290024 102-103 AD, denarius, S 240, XF+
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#350053 JUDEA-SAMARIA-CAESARIA, 98-110 A.D., AR drachm, Sear 934, Obv: AYT. KAIC. NER. TRAIANOC. CEB. IERM. with a laureate bust right of Trajan, Rx: clasped hands around a legionary standard, Greek legend around, missing Tribunical year (2nd-4th), F-VF
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Hadrian (117-138AD)
#360008 ND (117-138), AE sestertius, Sear 1007, F-VF
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#540003 128, AE as, S 1043, S 3681 vol. II, obv: head of Hadrian r., HADRIANVS AVGCOSIIIPP around, rx: Salus stg. r, feeding serpent rising from altar, SALVSAVG around, S C on each side, quite porous, but still very good portrait, F
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Antoninus Pius (138-161 AD)
#460015 153-154, Rome mint, AR denarius, S 158b, RIC 433, Wght: 3.16g, XF
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Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD)
#290028 178 AD, AE dupondius, VF-XF
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Lucilla wife of Lucius Verus (164-169 AD), daughter of Marcus Aurelius
#540005 166-169 AD, AE sestertius, S 1479, S 5501, obv: Lucilla's bust r., LVCILLA AVGVSTA around, rx: Juno seated l., holding patera and scepter (IVNO) around S-C on each side, F-VF
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Septimius Severus (193-211 AD)
#460022 MOESIA INFERIOR-NICOPOLIS, AE 17, AMNG I-1-1403var., Wght: 2.87g, XF
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Julia Domna (193-217 AD)
#290032 BITHYNIA-NICAEA, ND, AE (1.83g), unlisted in S, in Waddington 398, As Struck
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Macrinus (217-218 AD)
#210017 MOESIA INFERIOR, NIKOPOLIS AD ISTRUM, ND, AE 26, laureate bust right, AVTKMOPELIOC CEVHMAKPINOC around, Rx: standing figure (Hermes?) holding caduceus in left, and ? in right hand, VPCTALONGINOVNIKOPOLITONPPOC around, ICTP in exergue, RARE! F-VF
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#290034 MESOPOTAMIA-CARRHAE, ND, AR tetradrachm, Sear 2973var., Ch XF
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Diadumenian (218 AD)
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#210018 MOESIA INFERIOR, NIKOPOLIS AD ISTRUM, ND, AE 26, bare head right, KMOPPELANTININOCDIADOV (MENIANOC?) around, Rx: Hygieia? standing front, feeding serpent, (VPAGRIPPA)NIKOPOLITWNPPOCICTPW around, RARE! F+
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Elagabalus (218-222 AD)
#290035 MESOPOTAMIA-EDESSA, ND, AR tetradrachm, Sear 3140var., Ch XF
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Severus Alexander (222-235 AD)
#290037 after 249 AD, antoninianus, S 599, Sear 2184, SCARCE!! Posthumous issue under Trojan Decius, VF-XF
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#510028 BITHYNIA NICAEA, ND, AE 21, Sear 3287, obv: laur. head r., (MAYP)CEVAΛEZANΔPOCAVΓ around, rx: tree standards, NI-K-AIE / ΩN in two lines below, obv slightly off center, but well struck with beautiful dark green patina, VF-XF
[picture] [picture]
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Gordian III and Tranquillina (241-244 AD)
#410020 MESOPOTAMIA SINGARA, ca. AD 241, AE 33, Sear 3804, SNG Copenhagen 256; BMC 8-11, Wght: 25,5g. Confronted busts of Gordian III and Tranquillina, AVTOK K M ANT ΓOPΔIANON CAB TPANKVΛΛINA CEB around, rx: Tyche seated l. on rocks, holding grain-ears; above, Sagittarius leaping l., discharging bow; below, river-god swimming l. AVP CEΠ K - OΛ CINΓAPA around, porous, VF+
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Philip I (244-249 AD)
#350036 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 6 (244/5 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSPIVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVI in ex, VF-XF
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#350037 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 7 (245/6 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSPIVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVII in ex, VF-XF
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#350038 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 8 (246/7 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSPIVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVIII in ex, VF-XF
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#510033 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 9 (247/8 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVIIII in ex., gorgeous dark green patina, will struck, VF-XF
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Trajan Decius (249-251 AD)
#350040 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 11 (249/50 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 4164var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPCAESCMESQDECIVSPFAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANXI in ex, VF-XF
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Trebonianus Galus (251-253 AD)
#220026 JUDEA, NEAPOLIS, ND, AE-24, bust r., (AVTKAI ΓOVETPEBΓAΛOC around, Rx: Mt. Gerizim with colonnade, steps, road and shrines, supported by eagle standing with wings spread, ΦΛNEAC (ΠOΛEWC) around, Hen 257, H 881, Scarce! slightly off center, F
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Gallienus (253-260 AD)
#270007 PISIDIA-ISINDA, ND, AE 23, from an old collection, where it was assigned RR., F-VF
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Postumus (260-269 AD)
#570014 ROMANO-GALLIC EMPIRE, 260-269, Bl Double-Denarius (3.28g), sim. to S 331, Obv: radiate draped bust r., IMPCPOSTVMVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor in military dress stg. r., holding spear and globe, SAECVLIFELICITAS around, Slabbed NGC AU Strike: 4/s, Surface 4/s, Slabbed NGC AU
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Probus (276-282 AD)
#570017 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244 var., obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., offering olive branch to Jupiter standing left offering Victory to emperor, Г. between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, XF
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#570019 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244 var., obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., offering wreath to Jupiter standing left offering globe emperor, S. between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, VF-XF
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#570020 276-282, antoninianus, Sear 3244, obv: rad. head r., IMPCMAVRPROBVSPFAVG around, rx: emperor standing r., Jupiter standing left offering globe to the emperor, ∗ between them, CLEMENTIATEMP around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, VF-XF
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Carinus (283-285 AD)
#300035 ND, S/XXI, antoninianus, Sear sim. to 3412, but IOVETHERCVCONSERAVGG, lot of original silver wash, XF-AU
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#300037 ND, Z/XXI, antoninianus, Sear sim. to 3412, but IOVETHERCVCONSERAVGG, lot of original silver wash, XF-AU
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#300040 ND, H/XXI, antoninianus, Sear 3414/sim. to 3415, but IOVICONSERVATORIAVGG, lot of original silver wash, XF-AU
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Diocletian (284-305)
#570021 284-305, antoninianus, sim to Sear 3410, obv: rad. head r., IMPCCVALDIOCLETIANVSVSAVG around, rx: Diocletian standing r., Jupiter standing left offering Victory on globe to the emperor, S between them, CONCORDIAMILITVM around, XXI in exergue. Lot of silver wash still on, VF-XF
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Maximianus (286-305 AD)
#300041 ND, S/XXI, antoninianus, Sear sim. to 3511, but IMPCMAMAXIMIANVSAVG, lot of original silver wash, XF-AU
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#300042 ND, E/XXI, antoninianus, Sear 3514, lot of original silver wash, XF-AU
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#300043 ND, Z/XXI, antoninianus, Sear 3514, lot of original silver wash, XF-AU
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#300046 ND, H/XXI, antoninianus, Sear 3514/3516, lot of original silver wash, XF-AU
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Sauromates I (93-124)
#460011 93-124, AE 48 nummia, (sestertius), S 5454/5457, An 454, Wght: 11.4g, VF-XF
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Kotis II (124-133)
#380019 BOSPORUS, AE 48 nummia, (sestertius), draped bust right, BACI"Lambda"EWC KOTYOC around. Rx: MH in wreath, 10.44g,S 5462, Frol 137 f, Pl 16.7ff, An 487, beautiful emerald-green patina, VF-XF
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Rheskuporis V (304-342 AD)
#150063 621 (324/5 AD) AE stater. Obv.:, draped, bust right, legend wreath in front, Rx: Laureate, draped bust of Licinius right, the date, AK behind and X in front in the field, AKX =621=324/325 AD below, F-VF, sim to S 5506, Anokh 770
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#150065 623 (326/7 AD) AE stater. Obv.:, draped, bust right, legend trident in front, Rx: Laureate, draped bust of Licinius right, star in front, date 623=326/327 AD below, F-VF, sim to S 5504-6, Anokh 772
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#350049 JUDEA PHILISTO-ARABIAN, 430-420 B.C., Gaza, AR obol, Hendin 421, Obv: crested hd of Athena, rx: owl stg. R., facing, AQE before, Wght: 0.64g, Copied after Athenian obol, RARE!, VF
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Mastitis Antigens (40-37 BC)
#220003 ND, AE-23, double cornucopia with Hebrew inscription around and between horns, Rx: wreath with ribbons hanging down, surrounded by Greek legend (BACIΛEΩC) ANTIΓO(ΠY) around. Hen 34, H 481, Scarce! VG+
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Last updated 09/22/24
(C) 2000 Sema