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Joint rule of Ivan and Peter Alexeyevich (1682-1696)
#410155 ND, kopeika under name of Ivan, K/G 1496(R-IV), VG-F
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#310287 1686, Sevsky chekh, Ryab p72-73, Diak 20-27, VF
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#150598 ND(1696), PW/CIA under the horse, kopeika, under Peter's name, VF K 17/8, K/G 1584
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#220140 ND(1696), PW/CIA under the horse, kopeika under Peter's name, Kle 17/9, K/G 1585, F
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#360074 ND(1696), PW/CIA under the horse, kopeika under Peter's name, Kle 17/10, K/G 1586, VF
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Peter I (1689-1725)
Very often, several kopeks of Peter the Great with the same date had vary similar reverses.
We were not able to attribute them with certainty and assigned reference number of the most common one.
It could be a good chance for somebody to get a real bargain.
#410156 ND, denga, K/G 1592(R-VII), Wght: 0.18g, very rare, F-VF
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#150599 ND Old Mint, kopeika, o/M under the horse, XF K 8-18/7
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#410158 CE (7)205 (-5508=1697), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1607(R-III), Kle 8-2, VF-XF
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#410159 CS (7)206 (-5508=1698), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1521, VF-XF
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#150601 CS=206 (7206). 7206-5508=1698, Old Mint, kopeika, VF K 8-6/6
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#410160 CЗ (7)207 (-5508=1699), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1627, VF-XF
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#150603 CH=208 (7208). 7208-5508=1700, Old Mint, kopeika, VF-XF K 8-8/6
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#410161 CИ (7)208 (-5508=1700), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1629, VF-XF
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#410162 CИ (7)208 (-5508=1700), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1631, VF-XF
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#410163 ЯΨ (1700), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1634, new numbering system, very sharp XF
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#410164 AΨA (1701), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1659, VF-XF
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#410165 ЯΨЯ (1701), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1674, VF-XF
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#410166 ЯΨB (1702), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1692, VF-XF
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#410167 AΨB (1702), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 1892, VF-XF
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#150614 AΨB (inverted B) (1702) Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, VF+ K 10-14/11
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#390220 AYB (1702), Old Mint, Moscow, kopeika, F
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#150617 (R)YG (1703) Old Mint, kopeika, VF K 8-24/7
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#410168 AΨГ (1703), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 1986, VF-XF
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#170529 "YAYD" (1704), dated kopeika, under the horse, VF-XF Kle 8-28/5-9.
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#150621 AYД (1704), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, VF-XF K 10-25/13
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#410169 ЯΨД (1704), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1724, VF-XF
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#410170 ЯΨД (1704), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1726, VF-XF
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#410171 AΨE (1705), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2035, VF-XF
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#170533 AΨS (1706) kopeika, VF Kle 9-1/10.
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#150628 ЯΨS (1706) Old Mint, kopeika, VF-XF K 9-1/10, Sch 1170
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#410172 ЯΨS (1706), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1734, VF
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#150629 AΨS (1706) Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, VF-XF K 10-29/14
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#410173 AΨS (1706), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2047(R-IX), VF-XF
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#410174 AΨЗ (1707), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2062, Kl 10-31/12, lustrous XF
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#150639 AΨH (1708) Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, XF K 10-33/new rx die
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#410175 AΨΘ (1709), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2080, VF-XF
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#410176 AΨΘ (1709), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2086, with expanded title, VF-XF
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#410177 AΨΘ (1709), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2107, VF-XF
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#150646 RΨI (1710) Old Mint kopeika, VF K 9-7/9
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#190249 Ψ_I (1711) kopeika, Old mint, neat VF+ Kle 9-10/10
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#150650 (A)ΨAI (1711) Old Mint, kopeika, VF K 9-12/10
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#410178 AΨAI (1711), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2130, Kle 11-5/16, VF-XF
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#410179 AΨAI (1711), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2134(R-IX), Kle 11-5/17, VF-XF
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#410180 AΨAI (1711), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2131, Kle 11-5/19 "AND GRAND DUKE" added in title, VF-XF
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#410181 ΨBI (1712), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1763, VF-XF
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#190253 AΨGI (1713) kopeika, Kadashevski mint, clear and neat, VF+ K 11-6/16
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#410182 AΨГI (1713), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2138, Kle 11-9/19, with "GRAND DUKE", VF-XF
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#410183 AΨГI (1713), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2139(R-VIII) with "GRAND DUKE", VF-XF
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#410184 AΨГI (1713), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2140, Kle 11-9/18, with "GRAND DUKE", VF-XF
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#410185 AΨГI (1713), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2141, Kle 11-9/16, VF-XF
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#190254 ΨDI (1714) kopeika, Old mint, XF Kle 9-12/10
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#190255 ΨEI (1715) kopeika, Old mint, clear and neat, XF Kle 9-13/10
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#410187 ΨEI (1715), Old Mint, kopeika, K/G 1771, VF-XF
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#190256 ΨSI (1716) kopeika, Old mint, XF Kle 9-15/10
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#410188 AΨSI (1716), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2147, defective planchet, VF-XF
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#410189 AΨSI (1716), Kadashevsky Mint, kopeika, K/G 2151, VF-XF
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#390222 mordovka, F
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Last updated 09/22/24
(C) 2000 Sema