Charles de Cobenzl Minister Plenipotentiary under Empress Maria Theresia (1753-1770) | ||
#510128 | 1759, AE medal by Roettiers commemorating Charles de Cobenzl receiving Order of the Golden Fleece, Kenis 344, obv: bust right CAR.C.COBENZL AUG.IN BELG.ADMINIST, rx: STATUTA - ORDINIS on an open book, surrounded by the order of the Golden Fleece, GRATITUDO - AUGUSTORUM around, F.X.DECR.S.P.Q.B / 1759 in exergue in 2 lines, 33 mm in diameter, XF-AU
[picture] [picture] | buy it
$50.00 |
William I (1815-1840) | ||
#580112 | 1815, AR medal by Braemt on Establishing of Military Order of William on 30th of April, Wght: 51.75g, Ø46mm, VERY SCARCE, XF-AU
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$450.00 |
William III (1849-1890) | ||
#580113 | 1853,AE Award medal by Wurden of Brussels for Society of Agriculture, Horticulture and Livestock of Breda District. "1e Asd aan Bon Collot d'Escury Pelargoniums" hand engraved on the back, Ø42mm, XF-AU
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$75.00 |
#580114 | 1873, September 8, AE medal on Opening of the Port and Railway in Vlissingen Under the Government of Wilhelm III, Ø51mm, AU-UNC
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$150.00 |
Wilhelmina I (1890-1948) | ||
#430131 | 1913, Bronze and 5-color enamel square medal commemorating the National Exhibition of Sports and Tourism in �s-Gravenhage (Hague) in 1913, 47mm x 55mm, AU
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$95.00 |