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Septimius Severus (193-211 AD)

Caracalla (198-217 AD)

Macrinus (217-218 AD)
#210017 MOESIA INFERIOR, NIKOPOLIS AD ISTRUM, ND, AE 26, laureate bust right, AVTKMOPELIOC CEVHMAKPINOC around, Rx: standing figure (Hermes?) holding caduceus in left, and ? in right hand, VPCTALONGINOVNIKOPOLITONPPOC around, ICTP in exergue, RARE! F-VF
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#210018 MOESIA INFERIOR, NIKOPOLIS AD ISTRUM, ND, AE 26, bare head right, KMOPPELANTININOCDIADOV (MENIANOC?) around, Rx: Hygieia? standing front, feeding serpent, (VPAGRIPPA)NIKOPOLITWNPPOCICTPW around, RARE! F+
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Elagabalus (218-222 AD)
#210019 MOESIA INFERIOR, TOMIS, ND, AE 24, laureate draped and cuirassed bust right, AVT.....ANTONEINOC around, Rx: Nemesis? standing left with cornucopia in left hand leaning on a cartwheel with right, D to the left in field, MHTPOPON TOVTOMEWC around, F-VF
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#210027 MOESIA INFERIOR, TOMIS, ND, AE 28, laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian right, facing diadem draped bust of Tranquillina, AVTKMANTGORDIANOCAVGCE around, TRANKVL/LEINA below portraits, Rx: Hera? standing left long staff in left hand patera in right, monogram in field to the left, MHTPOPONT OVTOMEWC around, F-VF
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Philip I (244-249 AD)
#350036 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 6 (244/5 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSPIVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVI in ex, VF-XF
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#350037 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 7 (245/6 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSPIVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVII in ex, VF-XF
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#350038 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 8 (246/7 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSPIVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVIII in ex, VF-XF
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#510033 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 9 (247/8 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 3874var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPMIVLPHILIPPVSAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANVIIII in ex., gorgeous dark green patina, will struck, VF-XF
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Trajan Decius (249-251 AD)
#350040 MOESIA SUPERIOR-VIMINACIUM, Year 11 (249/50 A.D.), AE 30, Sear 4164var., obv: laur. & cuir. bust r., IMPCAESCMESQDECIVSPFAVG around, rx: Moesia stg. L. between bull stg r. and lion l., PMSC-OLVIM around, ANXI in ex, VF-XF
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Last updated 07/14/24
(C) 2000 Sema