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Trajan (98-117 AD)
#350053 JUDEA-SAMARIA-CAESARIA, 98-110 A.D., AR drachm, Sear 934, Obv: AYT. KAIC. NER. TRAIANOC. CEB. IERM. with a laureate bust right of Trajan, Rx: clasped hands around a legionary standard, Greek legend around, missing Tribunical year (2nd-4th), F-VF
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Judea Coins

Trebonianus Galus (251-253 AD)
#220026 JUDEA, NEAPOLIS, ND, AE-24, bust r., (AVTKAI ΓOVETPEBΓAΛOC around, Rx: Mt. Gerizim with colonnade, steps, road and shrines, supported by eagle standing with wings spread, ΦΛNEAC (ΠOΛEWC) around, Hen 257, H 881, Scarce! slightly off center, F
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#350049 JUDEA PHILISTO-ARABIAN, 430-420 B.C., Gaza, AR obol, Hendin 421, Obv: crested hd of Athena, rx: owl stg. R., facing, AQE before, Wght: 0.64g, Copied after Athenian obol, RARE!, VF
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Alexander Jannaeus (Yehonatan) (103-76 BC)
#220002 ND, AE lepton, Hebrew inscription in lines, surrounded by wreath, Rx: double cornucopia adorned with ribbons with pomegranate between horns, Hen 14-16 type, F-VF
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Mastitis Antigens (40-37 BC)
#220003 ND, AE-23, double cornucopia with Hebrew inscription around and between horns, Rx: wreath with ribbons hanging down, surrounded by Greek legend (BACIΛEΩC) ANTIΓO(ΠY) around. Hen 34, H 481, Scarce! VG+
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Herod I (37-4 BC)
#220004 ND, AE 2 prutah, cross in diadem, surrounded by Greek legend (BAΣIΛEΩΣ HPΩΔOY), tripod, flanked by palm branches, Hen 43-44, G-VG
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#220005 ND, AE prutah, Greek inscription in circles surrounded by dots, legend B(ACIΛEΩC HPΩ)ΔOY, Rx: anchor, surrounded by circle of Y designs, Hen 52, G-VG
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Archelaus (4 BC-6 AD)
#220008 ND, AE prutah, prow to the r. H below in dotted border, Rx: EΘN in a wreath in dotted border, Hen 60, H 506, F
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#220009 ND, AE prutah, bunch of grapes on vine w/ leaf on left, Greek legend above HP(ωΔOY), Rx: crested helmet, Hen 63, H 505, VG
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Herod I (37 BC - 4 BC)
#350050 JUDEA, HERODIAN DINASTY, ND, AE 15 (prutah), Hendin 500 (54), Sear 5534, Obv: Anchor w inscription, rx: double cornucopia w/inscription, VG
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Tiberius (14-37 AD)

Valerius Gratus (15-26 AD)
#220012 JUDEA, Year 3? (16 A.D.), AE lepton, KAI/CAP in two lines within a wreath, Rx: palm branch flanked by L and C., Hen 105var., F+
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Antonius Felix (52-60 AD)
#220017 JUDEA,Year 14 (54 A.D.), AE lepton, IOY/ ΛI(AAΓ)/ PIΠ(ΠI)/ N(A) within a wreath, Rx: two crossed palm branches with LIΔ below, (KΛAYΔIO)C KAICAP Γ(EPM) around, Hen 116, H 651, F+
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Last updated 07/14/24
(C) 2000 Sema