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#570005 275-245 BC, AE obol, An 133, Wght: 7.35g, obv.: beardless head of Pan to the l., rx.: bow and arrow with ПAN below, VF-XF
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#350009 150-140 B.C., AE 12, Anokh 169, S 1707, wght:2.5g, Obv: wreathed beardless head of Apollo right, Rx: bow in case, legend below, VF+
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Paerisades V (125-109 BC)
#570008 115-109 BC, AE tetrachalk, An 188, Wght: 4.6 grams, Ø20mm. Obv: laureate head of Apollo, rx: bow case ПANTIKA above it, ПAITWN below, a bit rusted, F
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Mithradates VI Eupator (120-63 BC)
#570009 90-80 BC, AE chalk, sim to An 203, but half the wight. Wght: 1.7 grams, Ø12 mm. Obv: tripod, rx: star П-A-N-(T-I-K)-A between the rays, slightly off center, F-VF
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Last updated 01/18/25
(C) 2000 Sema