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Half a kopek
#360102 USSR, 1925, 1/2 kopek, Y 75, Ф 1, VF-XF
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#520001 USSR, 1927, 1/2 kopek, Y 75, Ф 2, Til 2, some original mint red, XF
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#410220 USSR, 1928, half kopek, Y 75, Ф 3, Til 1, XF+
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1 kopek
#330002 USSR, 1924, 1 kopek, Y 76, Ф1, Shyol 1a, XF-AU
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#330003 USSR,1924, 1 kopek, Y 76, Ф1, Shyol 1a, SLABBED NGC, MS 63 BN
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#330004 U SSR,1924, 1 kopek, Y 76, Ф3, Shyol 1 B, XF
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#330006 USSR, 1924, 1 kopek, Y 76, Ф4, Shyol 1Г, VF-XF
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#520002 USSR, 1925, 1 kopek, Y 76, Ф5, bangs and bruises, but genuine, G+
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#520003 USSR, 1926, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф10, Til 2, Shyol 3б, some original luster, XF-AU
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#340146 USSR, 1926 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф9, Shyol 3a VF-XF
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#360103 USSR, 1927, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф 11, Shyol 4a, XF
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#520004 USSR, 1927, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф12, Til 2, few corrosion pits, therefore, F-VF
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#520005 USSR, 1928, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф14, Til 2, Shyol 5a, nice, even color, VF-XF
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#520006 USSR, 1928, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф15, Til 3, multiple corrosion pits, therefore, F
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#360105 USSR, 1929, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф 17, Shyol 6a, VF-XF
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#410221 USSR, 1930, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф18, Til 2, Shyol 6a, VF-XF
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#330007 USSR, 1931, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф21, Shyol 8a, lustrous, VF-XF
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#330008 USSR, 1931, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф21, Shyol 8a, ERROR! 30 rotated die, die clash, XF-AU
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#360106 USSR, 1932, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф23-25, VF-XF, uneven toning on Rx
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#360107 USSR, 1933, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф28, Shyol 10b, clashed dies, Ch AU
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#360108 USSR, 1934, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф30, abt. XF
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#330010 USSR, 1935, 1 kopek, Y 91, Ф32-34, Shyol 12a, Old type, cuts on stems, VF-XF
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#330011 USSR, 1935, 1 kopek, Y 98, Ф35, Shyol 13a, New type, no cuts on stems, heavily corroded, therefore F
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#340149 USSR, 1936 1 kopek, Y 98, Ф39, lustrous, BU
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#410222 USSR, 1937, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф46-54, Til 3, Shyol 15a, BU
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#520007 USSR, 1937, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф57-63, Shyol 15a, VF-XF
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#330012 USSR, 1938, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф64-67, lustrous, BU
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#330013 USSR, 1938, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф68-71, Ch. AU
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#570087 USSR, 1939, 1 kopek, Y 105, Slabbed, PCGS MS 63
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#360110 USSR, 1939, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф 72-78, lustrous, Ch AU-UNC
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#340150 USSR, 1940 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф86-90, lustrous, BU
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#520008 USSR, 1940, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф91, Til 2, some original luster, XF-AU
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#330014 USSR, 1941, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф94-95, lustrous, BU
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#330015 USSR, 1945, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф96, Shyol 20Б, VF-XF
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#360112 USSR, 1946, 1 kopek, Y 105, Ф 99, XF+
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#340152 USSR, 1948 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф102, Shyol 22b, lustrous, BU
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#520009 USSR, 1949, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф105, Til 3, Shyol 23a, VF-XF
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#360114 USSR, 1950, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф109, Shyol 24a, VF-XF
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#340153 USSR, 1951 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф112, VF-XF
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#360115 USSR, 1952, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф114, lustrous, AU
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#340154 USSR, 1953 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф119, Shol 27a, XF
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#520010 USSR, 1953, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф116, Til 1, some luster, VF-XF
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#520011 USSR, 1953, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф118, Shyol 27б, XF
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#360116 USSR, 1954, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф120, lustrous, BU
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#360117 USSR, 1955, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф121, lustrous, UNC
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#360118 USSR, 1956, 1 kopek, Y 112, Ф123, Shyol 30b, lustrous, BU
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#520012 USSR, 1957, 1 kopek, Y 119, Ф125, Til 2, Shyol 31a, business strike, lustrous, UNC
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#340155 USSR, 1957 1 kopek, Y 119, Ф127, Shyol 31b, lustrous, BU
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#340156 USSR, 1961 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф133, Shyol 32б, specimen strike, BU
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#520013 USSR, 1961, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф133, Shyol 32б, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#340157 USSR, 1962 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф135, business strike, XF
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#330016 USSR, 1962, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф135, specimen strike, UNC
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#520014 USSR, 1963, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф136, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520015 USSR, 1963, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф136, verdigris on obv., specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#330017 USSR, 1964, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф138, key date, specimen strike, BU
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#340158 USSR, 1964 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф138, key date, business strike, UNC
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#340159 USSR, 1965 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф139, business strike, UNC
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#520016 USSR, 1965, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф139, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520017 USSR, 1966, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф140, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520018 USSR, 1966, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф140, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520019 USSR, 1967, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф145, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340160 USSR, 1967 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф145, Shol 38a, business strike, UNC
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#330018 USSR, 1968, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф146, Shyol 39Б, specimen strike, BU
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#520020 USSR, 1968, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф147, Shyol 39a, few discoloration spots, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520021 USSR, 1968, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф147, Shyol 39a, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520022 USSR, 1969, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф148, business strike, some luster, UNC
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#520023 USSR, 1969, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф148, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340161 USSR, 1970 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф149, business strike, BU
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#520024 USSR, 1971, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф150, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520025 USSR, 1971, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф150, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520026 USSR, 1972, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф151, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520027 USSR, 1972, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф151, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520028 USSR, 1973, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф152, few discoloration spots, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520029 USSR, 1973, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф152, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340162 USSR, 1974 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф153, Shol 45a, business strike, BU
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#520030 USSR, 1974, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф154, Shyol 45б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520031 USSR, 1975, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф156, Shyol 45a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520032 USSR, 1975, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф156, Shyol 45a, specimen strike, Some dark corrosion marks along the rim, otherwise lustrous, BU
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#340163 USSR, 1976 1 kopek, Y 126, business strike, UNC
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#520033 USSR, 1976, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф157, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520034 USSR, 1977, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф158, few discoloration spots, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520035 USSR, 1977, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф158, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340164 USSR, 1978 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф159, specimen strike, BU
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#520036 USSR, 1978, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф159, business strike, AU
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#520037 USSR, 1979, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф160, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520038 USSR, 1979, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф160, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520039 USSR, 1980, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф161, specimen strike, dark corrosion and brush marks on rx, therefore, VF
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#340165 USSR, 1980 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф161, business strike, BU
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#520040 USSR, 1981, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф163, Shyol 52a, few discoloration spots, business strike, XF
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#520041 USSR, 1981, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф163, Shyol 52a, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520042 USSR, 1981, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф164, Shyol 52б, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520043 USSR, 1982, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф165, Shyol 53б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340166 USSR, 1982 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф166, Shol 53a, business strike, DIE CLASH, carbon spots, BU
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#520044 USSR, 1982, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф166, Shyol 53a, business strike, die clash, UNC
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#520045 USSR, 1982, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф166, Shyol 53a, specimen strike, Some dark corrosion marks along the rim, otherwise lustrous, BU
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#520046 USSR, 1983, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф168, Shyol 54a, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520047 USSR, 1984, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф169, Shyol 55б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520048 USSR, 1984, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф170, Shyol 55a, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520049 USSR, 1984, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф170, Shyol 55a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520050 USSR, 1985, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф172, Shyol 56a, few discoloration spots, business strike, few spots, AU
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#520051 USSR, 1985, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф172, Shyol 56a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520052 USSR, 1986, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф173, business strike, AU
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#520053 USSR, 1986, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф173, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520054 USSR, 1987, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф174, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340169 USSR, 1987 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф174, business strike, BU
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#520055 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф175, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520056 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф175, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520057 USSR, 1988, (MMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф176, few discoloration spots, business strike, XF
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#340170 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф177, specimen strike, BU
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#520058 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф177, business strike, XF-AU
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#520059 USSR, 1989, (MMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф178, few discoloration spots, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520060 USSR, 1989, (MMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф178, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340171 USSR, 1990, (ЛMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф179, business strike, UNC
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#520061 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф180, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#340172 USSR, 1991, Л, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф181, specimen strike, BU
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#520062 USSR, 1991, Л, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф181, business strike, Few small spots, but lustrous, BU
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#520063 USSR, 1991, M, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф182, business strike, lustrous, XF-AU
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#520064 USSR, 1991, M, 1 kopek, Y 126, Ф182, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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2 kopeks
#330019 USSR, 1924, 2 kopeks, Y 77, Ф1, reeded edge, abt. XF
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#330020 USSR, 1924, 2 kopeks, Y 77, Ф 2, plain edge, few field nicks, VF-XF
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#330021 USSR, 1924, 2 kopeks, Y 77, Ф 3, reeded edge, VF-XF
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#330022 USSR, 1924, 2 kopeks, Y 77, Ф 5, plain edge, VF-XF
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#360119 USSR, 1926, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 9, Shyol 3a, VF-XF
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#520065 USSR, 1926, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 10, Til 2, Shyol 3в, VF-XF
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#520066 USSR, 1926, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 11, Til 3, Shyol 3б, XF
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#410223 USSR, 1928, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 13, Til 1, XF
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#340174 USSR, 1929 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 16, Shyol 6a, VF-XF
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#360120 USSR, 1930, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 17, XF+
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#360121 USSR, 1931, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 19, Shyol 8a, some die filling, but lustrous, XF+
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#360122 USSR, 1932, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 21, VF+
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#410224 USSR, 1933, 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 20-23, Til 1, VF-XF
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#340175 USSR, 1934 2 kopeks, Y 92, Ф 25 VF+
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#360123 USSR, 1935, 2 kopeks, Old type, Y 92, Ф 27-28, Shyol 12a, VF+
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#520068 USSR, 1936, 2 kopeks, Y 99, Ф 35, Til 1, AU
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#340176 USSR, 1936 2 Kopeks, Y 99, Ф 39-43, Shyol 14b, XF+
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#360124 USSR, 1937, 2 kopeks, Y 106, Ф 44, XF-AU
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#360125 USSR, 1938, 2 kopeks, Y 106, Ф 45-50, VF-XF
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#360126 USSR, 1939, 2 kopeks, Y 106, Ф 51-59, XF
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#360127 USSR, 1940, 2 kopeks, Y 106, Ф 60-70, lustrous, BU
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#340177 USSR, 1941, 2 kopeks, Y 106, Ф 71-78 BU
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#340178 USSR, 1945, 2 kopeks, Y 106, Ф 79 VF-XF
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#360128 USSR, 1946, 2 kopeks, Y 106, Ф 80, VF-XF
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#520069 USSR, 1948, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 84, Til 6, Shyol 22б, AU
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#340179 USSR, 1948, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 86, few old scrapes, VF+
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#360129 USSR, 1949, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 88, Shyol 23a, VF-XF
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#360130 USSR, 1950, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 94, Shyol 24a, XF
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#410225 USSR, 1951, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 95, Til 1, F-VF
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#360131 USSR, 1952, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 96, XF
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#360132 USSR, 1953, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 97, lustrous, AU
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#360133 USSR, 1954, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 98, XF+
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#360134 USSR, 1955, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 99, XF+
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#520070 USSR, 1956, 2 kopeks, Y 113, Ф 100, Til 1, Shyol 30б, VF-XF
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#520071 USSR, 1961, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 105, Shyol 32a, business strike, AU
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#520072 USSR, 1961, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 106, Shyol 32б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340183 USSR, 1962 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 107, business strike, BU
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#330024 USSR, 1962, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 107, specimen strike, BU
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#340184 USSR, 1963 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 108, business strike, AU
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#330025 USSR, 1964, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 110, key date, business strike, VF-XF
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#330026 USSR, 1964, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 110, key date, specimen strike, BU
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#520073 USSR, 1965, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 111, business strike, VF-XF
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#520074 USSR, 1965, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 111, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340185 USSR, 1966 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 112, specimen strike, BU
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#520075 USSR, 1966, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 112, business strike, one spot on obv, otherwise, AU
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#520076 USSR, 1967, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 113, business strike, XF
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#520077 USSR, 1967, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 113, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520078 USSR, 1968, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 114, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520079 USSR, 1968, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 114, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520080 USSR, 1969, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 115, business strike, few discoloration spots, otherwise, XF
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#340186 USSR, 1969 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 115, specimen strike, sealed in original cellophane, BU
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#520081 USSR, 1970, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 116, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520082 USSR, 1970, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 116, specimen strike, Few small spots, but lustrous, BU
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#520083 USSR, 1971, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 117, few discoloration spots, business strike, AU
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#520084 USSR, 1971, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 117, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520085 USSR, 1972, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 118, Shyol 43a, business strike, AU
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#520086 USSR, 1972, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 118, Shyol 43a, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520087 USSR, 1972, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 119, Shyol 43б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520088 USSR, 1973, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 121, Shyol 44a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340187 USSR, 1973 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 121, Shyol 44a, business strike, BU
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#520089 USSR, 1973, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 122, Shyol 44в, business strike, UNC
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#520090 USSR, 1974, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 125, Shyol 45a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520091 USSR, 1974, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 125, Shyol 45a, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520092 USSR, 1975, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 126, business strike, XF-AU
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#520093 USSR, 1975, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 126, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520094 USSR, 1976, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 127, business strike, XF
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#520095 USSR, 1976, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 127, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520096 USSR, 1977, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 130, business strike, VF+
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#520097 USSR, 1977, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 130, discoloration spot, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520098 USSR, 1978, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 132, Shyol 49a, business strike, AU
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#520099 USSR, 1978, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 132, Shyol 49a, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520100 USSR, 1979, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 135, Shyol 50a, business strike, AU
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#520101 USSR, 1979, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 135, Shyol 50a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520102 USSR, 1980, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 136, business strike, AU
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#520103 USSR, 1982, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 138, business strike, XF
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#520104 USSR, 1982, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 139, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520105 USSR, 1983, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 140, business strike, XF
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#520106 USSR, 1983, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 140, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520107 USSR, 1984, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 141, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520108 USSR, 1984, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 141, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520109 USSR, 1985, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 142, business strike, XF
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#520110 USSR, 1985, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 142, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520111 USSR, 1986, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 143, business strike, XF
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#520113 USSR, 1987, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 145, few discoloration spots, business strike, XF
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#520114 USSR, 1987, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 145, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520115 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 146, business strike, XF
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#520116 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 146, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520117 USSR, 1988, (MMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 147, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#520118 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 148, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520119 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 148, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520120 USSR, 1989, (MMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 149, business strike, XF
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#520121 USSR, 1990, (ЛMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 150, business strike, AU
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#520122 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 151, planchet flaw at 4:00 on obv., business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520123 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 151, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520124 USSR, 1991, Л, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 152, business strike, XF
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#520125 USSR, 1991, Л, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 152, specimen strike, BU
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#520126 USSR, 1991, M, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 153, few discoloration spots, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520127 USSR, 1991, M, 2 kopeks, Y 127, Ф 153, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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3 kopeks
#330027 USSR, 1924, 3 kopeks, Y 78, Ф 5, Shyol 1a, XF-AU
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#340188 USSR, 1926, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 10 XF
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#410227 USSR, 1927, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 14, Til 2, slightly corroded obverse, therefore F obv, VF-XF rx
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#340189 USSR, 1928, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 16, Shyol 4a, lustrous, Abt. XF
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#360136 USSR, 1929, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 18, Shyol 5a, lustrous, VF-XF
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#340190 USSR, 1930, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 20, Shyol 6a, clashed dies, few scratches, VF-XF
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#330029 USSR, 1930, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 21, Shyol 6b, F/F-VF
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#360137 USSR, 1931, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 22, Shyol 7a, clushed dies, XF+
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#360138 USSR, 1932, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 25, Shyol 8a, VF-XF
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#360139 USSR, 1933, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 27, VF-XF
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#360140 USSR, 1934, 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 30, Shyol 10a, XF+
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#340191 USSR, 1935 3 kopeks, Y 93, Ф 33, Shyol 11, Old type (Type I), abt XF
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#330030 USSR, 1935, 3 kopeks, Y 100, Ф 38, Shyol 12a, New type (Type II), VF+
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#340192 USSR, 1936 3 kopeks, Y 100, Ф 42, Shyol 13a, XF
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#360141 USSR, 1937, 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 44-50, Shyol 14a, XF+
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#520128 USSR, 1937, 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 45, Til 2, Shyol 14б, slightly banged palnchet, otherwise, VF
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#340193 USSR, 1938 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 54, Shyol 15?, XF
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#360142 USSR, 1939, 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 59-63, Shyol 16a, lustrous, XF-AU
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#340194 USSR, 1940, 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 66-72, Shyol 17a, lustrous, BU
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#340195 USSR, 1941, 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 74-75, Shyol 18a, AU
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#340196 USSR, 1943 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 79, Shyol 19a, VF-XF
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#340197 USSR, 1946 3 kopeks, Y 107, Ф 85, Shyol 21a, XF
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#520129 USSR, 1948, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 89, Til 1, VF
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#360143 USSR, 1948, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 93, Shyol 22a, F-VF
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#520130 USSR, 1949, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 98, Til 3, VF
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#360144 USSR, 1949, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 100, Shyol 23a, VF XF
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#410229 USSR, 1950, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 104, Til 4, Shyol 24a, VF-XF
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#410230 USSR, 1951, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 108, Til 2, cleaned VF-XF
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#410231 USSR, 1952, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 120, Til 7, Shyol 26a, some original mint luster VF-XF
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#520131 USSR, 1953, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 126, Til 1, Shyol 27б, VF-XF
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#340200 USSR, 1953, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 127, Shyol 27a, lustrous, Gem BU
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#340201 USSR, 1954, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 130, Shyol 28a, lustrous, AU
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#360146 USSR, 1955, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 133, Shyol 29a, VF-XF
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#360147 USSR, 1956, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 134, Shyol 30, old scratches on obv, otherwise lustrous, XF-AU
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#520132 USSR, 1957, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 135, Til 1, Shyol 31в, obverse of 1956 with 16 folds of ribbon. Rare! Business strike, F-VF
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#360148 USSR, 1957, 3 kopeks, Y 114, Ф 137, Shyol 31a, lustrous, Ch AU
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#520133 USSR, 1961, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 140, Shyol 32б, business strike, lustrous, Ch AU
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#340202 USSR, 1961, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 141, Shol 32B, specimen strike, BU
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#520134 USSR, 1962, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 144, Shyol 32б, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#340203 USSR, 1962, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 145, Shyol 32b, specimen strike, BU
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#520135 USSR, 1962, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 145, Shyol 32б, business strike, lustrous, VF-XF
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#520136 USSR, 1965, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 147, business strike, VF-XF
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#520137 USSR, 1966, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 148, Shyol 35a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520138 USSR, 1966, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 148, Shyol 35б, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520139 USSR, 1966, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 140, Shyol 32б, specimen strike sealed in original cellophane from the set, lustrous, BU
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#520140 USSR, 1967, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 151, Shyol 36a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520141 USSR, 1967, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 151, Shyol 36a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520142 USSR, 1968, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 152, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520143 USSR, 1968, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 152, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520144 USSR, 1969, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 153, few discoloration spots, business strike, XF
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#520145 USSR, 1969, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 153, specimen strike sealed in original cellophane from the set, lustrous, BU
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#520146 USSR, 1970, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 154, business strike, XF
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#520147 USSR, 1970, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 154, specimen strike, Few tiny spots, otherwise lustrous, BU
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#520148 USSR, 1971, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 155, business strike, VF-XF
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#520149 USSR, 1971, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 155, specimen strike, few discoloration spots, otherwise lustrous, BU
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#520150 USSR, 1972, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 157, Shyol 41a, few discoloration spots, business strike, XF
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#520151 USSR, 1972, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 158, Shyol 41б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520152 USSR, 1972, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 158, Shyol 41б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520153 USSR, 1973, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 161, Shyol 42в, business strike, AU
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#340205 USSR, 1974, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 163, Shyol 43a, business strike, XF
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#520154 USSR, 1975, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 165, Shyol 44a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520155 USSR, 1975, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 165, Shyol 44a, specimen strike, few spots on rx., lustrous, BU
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#520156 USSR, 1976, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 166, Shyol 45a, discolaraton spot on rx. and old tiny gauge on obv., business strike, VF-XF
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#520157 USSR, 1976, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 166, Shyol 45a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520158 USSR, 1977, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 170, Shyol 46a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520159 USSR, 1978, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 175, Shyol 47a, business strike, XF
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#520160 USSR, 1978, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 175, Shyol 47a, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520161 USSR, 1979, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 180, Shyol 48a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520162 USSR, 1979, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 181, business strike, VF-XF
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#520163 USSR, 1980, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 183, Shyol 49a, business strike, XF
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#520164 USSR, 1980, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 183, Shyol 49a, specimen strike, Few cloudy spots, otherwise lustrous, BU
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#520165 USSR, 1981, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 187, Shyol 50a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520166 USSR, 1981, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 188, Shyol 50б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520167 USSR, 1981, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 190, Shyol 50г, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520168 USSR, 1982, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 191, Shyol 51в, business strike, VF-XF
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#520169 USSR, 1982, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 192, Shyol 51a, business strike, few spots, XF
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#520170 USSR, 1982, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 194, Shyol 51г, business strike, mule with 20 kopeks obv., VF-XF
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#520172 USSR, 1983, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 197, Shyol 52б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520173 USSR, 1984, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 198, Shyol 53a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520174 USSR, 1984, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 199, Shyol 53в, business strike, AU
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#520175 USSR, 1984, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 200, Shyol 53б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520176 USSR, 1984, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 200, Shyol 53б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520177 USSR, 1985, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 201, Shyol 54a, few discoloration spots, business strike, XF
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#520178 USSR, 1985, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 202, Shyol 54в, business strike, VF-XF
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#520179 USSR, 1985, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 204, Shyol 54б, business strike, mule with 20 kopeks1980 obverse, VF-XF
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#520180 USSR, 1986, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 205, Shyol 55a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520181 USSR, 1986, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 206, Shyol 55б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520182 USSR, 1987, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 209, Shyol 56a, business strike, some luster, AU
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#520183 USSR, 1987, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 210, Shyol 56б, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, BU
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#520184 USSR, 1987, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 211, business strike, mule with 20 kopeks 1980 obverese, VF-XF
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#520185 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 212, business strike, VF-XF
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#520186 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 213, business strike, VF-XF
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#520187 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 213, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520188 USSR, 1988, (MMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 214, few discoloration spots, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#520189 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 216, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520190 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 216, specimen strike, sealed in cellophane from the set, lustrous, BU
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#520191 USSR, 1990, (ЛMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 220, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520192 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 221, business strike, AU
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#520193 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 221, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520194 USSR, 1991, M, 3 kopeks, Y 128, Ф 224, business strike, few spots, but otherwise lustrous, BU
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5 kopeks
#330035 USSR, 1924, England, 5 kopeks, Y 79, Ф 1, Shyol 1Б, XF
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#410232 USSR, 1924 Leningrad Mint 5 kopeks, Y 79, Ф 5, Til 6, gorgeous even milk chocolate patina XF
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#340207 USSR, 1926, 5 kopeks, Y 94, Ф 10, Shyol 2b, VF-XF
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#340208 USSR, 1928, 5 kopeks, Y 94, Ф 13, VF-XF
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#330039 USSR, 1929, 5 kopeks, Y 94, Ф 15, VF-XF
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#330040 USSR, 1930, 5 Kopeks, Y 94, Ф 16, VF-XF
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#340209 USSR, 1931 5 Kopeks, Y 94, Ф 17, VF-XF
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#340210 USSR, 1932, 5 kopeks, Y 94, Ф 18, VF-XF
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#330042 USSR, 1934, 5 kopeks, Y 94, Ф 21, pitted from corrosion, otherwise F-VF
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#330044 USSR, 1935, 5 kopeks, Y 101, Ф 26, Shyol 12a, New type (Type II), VF-XF
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#410234 USSR, 1936, 5 kopeks, Y 101, Ф 34, Til 2, VF-XF
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#330048 USSR, 1937, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 36, Shyol 14, edge bump, VF-XF
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#410235 USSR, 1938, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 38, Til 2, VF-XF
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#330050 USSR, 1939, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 39, Shyol 16a, XF
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#330051 USSR, 1939, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 40, Shyol 16Б, VF
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#330052 USSR, 1940, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 42, Shyol 17a, Ch. AU
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#340212 USSR, 1940 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 43, Shyol 17b, VF-XF
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#520196 USSR, 1940, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 44, Til 3, Shyol 17в, a bit of luster, XF
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#330053 USSR, 1941, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 45, Shyol 18a, XF
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#330054 USSR, 1943, 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 47, Shyol 19, AU
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#340213 USSR, 1946 5 kopeks, Y 108, Ф 53, XF+
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#520197 USSR, 1948, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 54, Til 1, lustrous, XF
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#410237 USSR, 1948, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 56, Til 4, Shyol 22a, VF-XF
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#360149 USSR, 1949, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 58, Shyol 23b, VF
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#340214 USSR, 1950, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 61, Shyol 24B, VF-XF
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#330056 USSR, 1950, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 63, Shyol 24g, XF
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#410239 USSR, 1952, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 80, Til 1, lightly buffed VF-XF
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#520198 USSR, 1952, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 88, Til 9, VF-XF
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#410240 USSR, 1952, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 89, Til 10, VF-XF
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#340216 USSR, 1953, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 95, Shyol 27b, AU
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#340217 USSR, 1954, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 96, Shyol 28b, XF+
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#520199 USSR, 1954, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 97, Til 2, Shyol 28a, VF-XF
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#330058 USSR, 1955, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 98, Shyol 29, XF+
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#520200 USSR, 1956, 5 kopeks, Y 115, Ф 99, Til 1, AU
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#520201 USSR, 1957, 5 kopeks, Y 122, Ф 101, Til 2, Shyol 31б, business strike, XF
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#520202 USSR, 1957, 5 kopeks, Y 122, Ф 101, Til 2, Shyol 31б, specimen strike, BU
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#520203 USSR, 1961, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 104, Shyol 32a, few discoloration spots, business strike, AU
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#340221 USSR, 1961, 5 kopeks, Y129, Ф106, Shyol 32b, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520204 USSR, 1961, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 106, Shyol 32в, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520205 USSR, 1961, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 107, business strike, VF-XF
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#520206 USSR, 1961, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 108, Shyol 32г, business strike, lustrous, VF-XF
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#520207 USSR, 1962, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 109, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#340222 USSR, 1962, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 109, Shyol 33a, specimen strike, BU
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#430096 USSR, 1966, specimen strike, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 112, UNC
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#520208 USSR, 1967, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 113, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520209 USSR, 1968, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 114, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520210 USSR, 1969, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 115, Shyol 38, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#430098 USSR, 1971, business strike, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 117, few carbon spots, VF-XF
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#520211 USSR, 1972, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 118, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520212 USSR, 1973, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 119, business strike, VF-XF
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#520213 USSR, 1974, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 120, business strike, UNC Duplicate
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#520214 USSR, 1976, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 122, Shyol 45a, few discoloration spots, business strike, UNC
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#520215 USSR, 1976, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 122, Shyol 45a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520216 USSR, 1977, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 124, Shyol 46a, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520217 USSR, 1977, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 124, Shyol 46a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520218 USSR, 1978, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 126, Shyol 47a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520219 USSR, 1978, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 126, Shyol 47a, discoloration spot on obv., specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520220 USSR, 1978, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 127, Shyol 47б, business strike, few spots, AU
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#520221 USSR, 1979, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 129, Shyol 48a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520222 USSR, 1979, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 129, Shyol 48a, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520223 USSR, 1980, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 130, Shyol 49, business strike, XF
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#520224 USSR, 1980, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 130, Shyol 49, specimen strike, few discoloration spots, but lustrous, BU
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#520225 USSR, 1981, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 132, business strike, few small discoloration spots, VF-XF
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#520226 USSR, 1982, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 133, business strike, XF
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#520227 USSR, 1983, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 134, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520231 USSR, 1986, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 137, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520232 USSR, 1986, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 137, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520233 USSR, 1987, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 138, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520235 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 139, business strike, VF-XF
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#520236 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 139, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520237 USSR, 1988, (MMД), 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 140, business strike, UNC
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#520238 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 141, business strike, XF-AU
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#520239 USSR, 1989, (ЛMД), 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 141, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520240 USSR, 1989, (MMД), 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 142, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520241 USSR, 1991, Л, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 146, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520242 USSR, 1991, Л, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 146, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520243 USSR, 1991, Л, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 146, odd alloy: 90% Cu / 10% Zn, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520244 USSR, 1991, M, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 147, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520245 USSR, 1991, M, 5 kopeks, Y 129, Ф 147, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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10 kopeks
#520246 RSFSR, 1921, 10 kopeks, Y 80, Ф 1, Til 1, VF-XF
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#340229 RSFSR, 1923 10 kopeks, Y 80, Ф 3, AU-UNC
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#340230 USSR, 1925, 10 kopeks, Y 80, Ф 5, lustrous, Ch AU
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#360151 USSR, 1927, 10 kopeks, Y 80, Ф 6-9, Shyol 6a, lustrous, XF+
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#520247 USSR, 1927, 10 kopeks, Y 86, Ф 10, Til 2, Shyol 6б, VF
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#520248 USSR, 1928, 10 kopeks, Y 86, Ф 15, Til 1, Shyol 7a, lustrous, AU
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#340231 USSR, 1928, 10 kopeks, Y 86, Ф 30-43, Shyol 7b, BU
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#360152 USSR, 1929, 10 kopeks, Y 86, Ф 45-47, Shyol 8a, few minor scratches, VF-XF
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#340232 USSR, 1930, 10 kopeks, Y 86, Ф 50, Shyol 9a, ERROR! die clash on rx., BU
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#410242 USSR, 1931, 10 kopeks, Y 95, Ф 52, Til 1, Shyol 11a, XF
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#360153 USSR, 1932, 10 kopeks, Y 95, Ф 55, Shyol 12a, lustrous, Ch AU
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#340234 USSR, 1933, 10 kopeks, Y 95, Ф 57, BU
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#330062 USSR, 1934, 10 kopeks, Y 95, Ф 60, Shyol 14a, XF
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#340235 USSR, 1935, 10 kopeks, Y 102, Ф 62, AU
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#340236 USSR, 1936, 10 Kopeks, Y 102, Ф 63, Ch AU
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#520250 USSR, 1937, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 65, Til 2, XF
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#330065 USSR, 1937, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 66, XF
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#330066 USSR, 1938, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 67, Ch AU
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#330067 USSR, 1939, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 69, UNC
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#330068 USSR, 1940, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 71, Ch AU
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#330069 USSR, 1941, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 73, beautiful die clash, BU
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#330070 USSR, 1942, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 75, XF
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#340237 USSR, 1943, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 77, Shyol 23a, AU
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#330071 USSR, 1943, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 80, Shyol 23Б, corroded, VF
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#520251 USSR, 1945, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 86, Til 2, Shyol 25в, VF-XF
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#360154 USSR, 1945, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 88, Shyol 25a, lustrous AU
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#520252 USSR, 1946, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 92, Shyol 26b, Til 4, VF-XF
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#360155 USSR, 1946, 10 kopeks, Y 109, Ф 93, Shyol 26a, die clash, lustrous, Ch AU
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#520253 USSR, 1948, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 94, Shyol 27a, Til 5, VF-XF
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#520254 USSR, 1948, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 95, Til 6, Shyol 27б, VF-XF
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#360156 USSR, 1948, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 97, Shyol 27g, lustrous, XF
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#360157 USSR, 1949, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 101, Shyol 28a, VF-XF
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#360158 USSR, 1950, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 107, XF
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#520256 USSR, 1951, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 109, Til 1, XF
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#520257 USSR, 1952, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 111, Til 1, VF-XF
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#360160 USSR, 1952, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 112, AU
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#340240 USSR, 1953, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 115, Shyol 32a, BU
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#520259 USSR, 1953, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 116, Shyol 32b, Til 3, VF-XF
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#340241 USSR, 1954, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 117, lustrous, BU
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#360161 USSR, 1955, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 118, AU
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#340242 USSR, 1956, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 119, Shyol 35a, BU
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#340243 USSR, 1957, 10 kopeks, Y 116, Ф 122, Shyol 36a, business strike, BU
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#520262 USSR, 1957, 10 kopeks, Y 123, Ф 122, Til 2, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520263 USSR, 1957, 10 kopeks, Y 123, Ф 123, Til 3, lustrous, BU
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#520264 USSR, 1961, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 125, business strike, XF
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#340244 USSR, 1961, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 125, specimen strike, BU
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#330073 USSR, 1961, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 125a, business strike, F-VF
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#330074 USSR, 1962, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 126, specimen strike, BU
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#340245 USSR, 1962, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 126, business strike, XF-AU
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#520265 USSR, 1965, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 127, specimen strike, scarce, lustrous, BU
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#520266 USSR, 1967, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 129, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, scarce, lustrous, BU
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#520267 USSR, 1968, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 130, specimen strike, scarce, lustrous, BU
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#520268 USSR, 1969, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 131, few discoloration spots, business strike, few spots, XF
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#520269 USSR, 1969, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 131, few tiny light scratches on rx, specimen strike, lustrous, AU
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#520270 USSR, 1970, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 132, business strike, XF
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#520271 USSR, 1970, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 132, specimen strike, lustrous, AU
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#520272 USSR, 1971, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 133, business strike, XF
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#520273 USSR, 1971, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 133, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520274 USSR, 1972, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 134, business strike, few spots, but lustrous, UNC
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#520275 USSR, 1972, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 134, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520276 USSR, 1973, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 135, few discoloration spots, business strike, few spots, but lustrous, UNC
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#520277 USSR, 1973, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 135, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520278 USSR, 1974, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 136, business strike, BU
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#520279 USSR, 1974, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 136, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520280 USSR, 1975, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 137, few discoloration spots, business strike, few spots, but lustrous, UNC
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#520281 USSR, 1975, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 137, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, few spots, but lustrous, UNC
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#520282 USSR, 1976, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 138, business strike, XF
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#520283 USSR, 1976, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 138, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520284 USSR, 1977, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 141, Shyol 51a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520285 USSR, 1977, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 141, Shyol 51a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520286 USSR, 1977, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 142, Shyol 51a, business strike, XF
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#520287 USSR, 1978, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 146, Shyol 52в, business strike, XF
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#520288 USSR, 1978, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 147, Shyol 52б, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520289 USSR, 1978, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 147, Shyol 52б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520290 USSR, 1979, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 149, business strike, a little bit of rust, but lustrous, BU
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#520291 USSR, 1979, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 149, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520292 USSR, 1980, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 150, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520293 USSR, 1980, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 150, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520294 USSR, 1981, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 152, Shyol 55a, specimen strike, few discoloration spots, lustrous, BU
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#520295 USSR, 1981, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 153, Shyol 55б, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520296 USSR, 1982, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 155, Shyol 56б, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520297 USSR, 1982, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 155, Shyol 56б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520298 USSR, 1983, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 157, business strike, XF
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#520299 USSR, 1984, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 158, Shyol 58б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520300 USSR, 1984, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 159, Shyol 58a, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520301 USSR, 1984, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 159, Shyol 58a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520302 USSR, 1985, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 161, Shyol 59a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520303 USSR, 1985, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 161, Shyol 59a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520304 USSR, 1986, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 164, Shyol 60a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520305 USSR, 1986, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 164, Shyol 60a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#330076 USSR, 1987, 10 kopeks, Y -130, Ф 166, Shyol 61Б (P), specimen strike, BU
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#520306 USSR, 1987, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 167, Shyol 61a, business strike, tiny spots, lustrous, AU
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#520307 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 168, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520308 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 168, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520309 USSR, 1988, (MMД), 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 169, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520310 USSR, 1989, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 170, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520311 USSR, 1989, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 170, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520312 USSR, 1989, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 170, filled die, rays of Sun are almost absent, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520313 USSR, 1990, (ЛMД), 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 171, business strike, few spots, lustrous, AU
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#520314 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 172, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520315 USSR, 1990, M, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 173, business strike, RARE!, lustrous, XF-AU
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#520316 USSR, 1991, Л, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 175, business strike, tooled on obv, XF
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#520317 USSR, 1991, M, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 176, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520318 USSR, 1991, M, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 176, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520319 USSR, 1991, no mm, 10 kopeks, Y 130, Ф 170, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520320 USSR, 1991, M, 10 kopeks, KM 296, Ф 177, business strike, lustrous, BU
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15 kopeks
#330079 RSFSR, 1922, 15 kopeks, Y 81, Ф 2, XF+
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#520321 RSFSR, 1923, 15 kopeks, Y 81, Ф 3, Til 1, Shyol 3a, lustrous, VF-XF
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#340248 RSFSR, 1923, 15 kopeks, Y 81, Ф 4, Shyol 3b, lustrous, few old scratches, XF
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#340249 USSR, 1924, 15 kopeks, Y 81, Ф 5, Shyol 4a, VF-XF
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#520322 USSR, 1925, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 19, Til 2, lustrous, XF
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#340250 USSR, 1925, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 30-34, Shyol 5b, lustrous, Ch AU
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#330080 USSR, 1925, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 22-25, Shyol 5Г, AU
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#330081 USSR, 1925, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 26-29, Shyol 5B, AU
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#330082 USSR, 1927, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 37-39, Shyol 6a, nicely toned, UNC
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#340251 USSR, 1928, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 40-43, Ch AU
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#330083 USSR, 1929, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 45, Shyol 8a, BU
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#330084 USSR, 1930, 15 kopeks, Y 87, Ф 46, die clash on both sides, BU
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#340252 USSR, 1931, 15 Kopeks, Y 96, Ф 48, Shyol 11a, ERROR! die clash on obv., some typical weak strike, AU
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#520323 USSR, 1931, 15 kopeks, Y 96, Ф 49, Til 2, lustrous, AU
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#520324 USSR, 1932, 15 kopeks, Y 96, Ф 52, Til 2, Shyol 12a, VF
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#340253 USSR, 1932, 15 kopeks, Y 96, Ф 53, Shyol 12b, XF
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#520325 USSR, 1933, 15 kopeks, Y 96, Ф 54, Til 1, Shyol 13a, VF
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#340254 USSR, 1933, 15 kopeks, Y 96, Ф 55, Shyol 13b, VF-XF
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#330085 USSR, 1934, 15 kopeks, Y 96, Ф 57, Shyol 14a, VF+
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#520326 USSR, 1935, 15 kopeks, Y 103, Ф 59, Til 2, Shyol 15a, XF-VF
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#330087 USSR, 1935, 15 kopeks, Y 103, Ф 60, Shyol 15B, XF+
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#340255 USSR, 1936, 15 kopeks, Y 103, Ф 64, Shyol 16a, XF
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#340257 USSR, 1938, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 67, XF-AU
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#360162 USSR, 1939, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 68, XF
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#340258 USSR, 1940, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 69, AU
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#340259 USSR, 1941, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 70, BU
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#330088 USSR, 1942, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 71, XF-AU
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#520327 USSR, 1943, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 78, Til 7, VF-XF
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#520328 USSR, 1943, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 79, Til 8, Shyol 23в, VF+
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#340260 USSR, 1943, 15 Kopeks, Y 110, Ф 81, Shyol 23Г, XF-AU
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#520329 USSR, 1945, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 84, Til 1, Shyol 25a, some luster, AU
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#340261 USSR, 1945, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 85, Shyol 25B, VF+
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#520331 USSR, 1946, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 90, Til 2, Shyol 26г, lustrous, AU
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#340262 USSR, 1946, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 91, Shyol 26B, AU
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#520332 USSR, 1946, 15 kopeks, Y 110, Ф 92, Til 5, Shyol 26б, VF
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#520333 USSR, 1948, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 98, Til 5, lustrous, AU
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#360163 USSR, 1948, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 101, Shyol 23z, AU
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#360164 USSR, 1949, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 105, Shyol 28a, VF-XF
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#360165 USSR, 1950, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 108, Shyol 29, VF-XF
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#360166 USSR, 1951, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 110, Shyol 30, VF-XF
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#520334 USSR, 1952, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 116, Til 5, lustrous, XF+
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#360167 USSR, 1952, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 117, Shyol 31a, XF+
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#520336 USSR, 1953, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 121, Til 4, lustrous, XF
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#340263 USSR, 1953, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф122, lustrous, AU
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#360168 USSR, 1954, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 123, VF-XF
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#52037 USSR, 1955, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 124, Til 1, VF-XF
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#360169 USSR, 1955, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 125, lustrous, XF+
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#360170 USSR, 1956, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 127, Shyol 35a, lustrous, AU
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#520338 USSR, 1957, 15 kopeks, Y 117, Ф 129, Til 2, Shyol 36a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520339 USSR, 1961, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 131, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#520340 USSR, 1961, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 131, specimen strike, few discoloration spots, but lustrous, BU
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#520341 USSR, 1962, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 132, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520342 USSR, 1962, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 132, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520343 USSR, 1965, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 133, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520344 USSR, 1966, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 134, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520345 USSR, 1967, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 135, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520346 USSR, 1968, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 136, specimen strike, lustrous, AU
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#520347 USSR, 1969, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 137, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520349 USSR, 1971, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 139, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520351 USSR, 1974, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 142, business strike, VF-XF
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#520352 USSR, 1974, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 142, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520353 USSR, 1975, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 143, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520354 USSR, 1976, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 144, business strike, VF-XF
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#340266 USSR, 1976, 15 kopeks, Y 131, Ф 144, specimen strike, BU
[picture] [picture]
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#340267 USSR, 1977, 15 kopeks, Y 131, Ф 145, business strike, BU
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#520355 USSR, 1977, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 145, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520356 USSR, 1978, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 146, Shyol 52, business strike, lustrous AU
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#520357 USSR, 1978, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 146, Shyol 52, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520358 USSR, 1979, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 147, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520359 USSR, 1979, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 147, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520360 USSR, 1980, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 148, Shyol 54a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520361 USSR, 1980, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 148, Shyol 54a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520362 USSR, 1981, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 150, Shyol 55a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520363 USSR, 1981, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 150, Shyol 55a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520364 USSR, 1981, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 151, Shyol 55б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520365 USSR, 1982, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 153, Shyol 56a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520366 USSR, 1982, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 153, Shyol 56a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520368 USSR, 1983, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 155, Shyol 57a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520369 USSR, 1984, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 156, business strike, VF-XF
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#520370 USSR, 1984, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 156, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520371 USSR, 1985, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 158, Shyol 59a, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520372 USSR, 1985, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 158, Shyol 59a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520373 USSR, 1986, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 160, Shyol 60a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520374 USSR, 1986, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 160, Shyol 60a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520375 USSR, 1987, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 162, Shyol 61a, business strike, XF
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#520376 USSR, 1987, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 162, Shyol 61a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520377 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 163, business strike, VF-XF
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#520378 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 163, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520379 USSR, 1988, (MMД), 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 164, few discoloration spots, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#520380 USSR, 1989, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 165, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520381 USSR, 1989, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 165, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520382 USSR, 1990, (ЛMД), 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 166, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#520383 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 167, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520384 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 167, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520385 USSR, 1991, Л, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 168, business strike, few spots, but lustrous, AU
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#520386 USSR, 1991, Л, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 168, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520387 USSR, 1991, M, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 169, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520388 USSR, 1991, M, 15 kopeks, Y 131.1, Ф 169, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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20 kopeks
#330094 RSFSR, 1922, 20 kopeks, Y 82, Ф 4, Shyol 2Б, Ch. AU-UNC
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#330095 RSFSR, 1923, 20 Kopeks, Y 82, Ф 7, Shyol 3a, lustrous, XF-AU
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#340268 RSFSR, 1923 20 kopeks, Y 82, Ф 6, Shyol 3a, XF-AU
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#330096 USSR, 1924, 20 kopeks, Y 88, Ф 8, Shyol 4a, XF
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#340269 USSR, 1925, 20 kopeks, Y 88, Ф 10, Shyol 5a, AU
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#330097 USSR, 1927, 20 kopeks, Y 88, Ф 13, lustrous, BU
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#330098 USSR, 1928, 20 kopeks, Y 88, Ф 14, Shyol 7a, lustrous, Ch AU
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#330099 USSR, 1929, 20 kopeks, Y 88, Ф 16, Shyol 8a, lustrous, BU
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#330100 USSR, 1930, 20 kopeks, Y 88, Ф 18, Shyol 9a, lustrous, BU
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#360172 USSR, 1931, 20 kopeks, Y 97, Ф 21, Shyol 11a, clashed dies, lustrous, XF+
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#340270 USSR, 1932, 20 kopeks, Y 97, Ф 25, Shyol 12a, lustrous AU
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#430099 USSR, 1932, 20 kopeks, Y 97, Ф 24, Shyol 12?, F-VF
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#340271 USSR, 1933, 20 kopeks, Y 97, Ф 29, ERROR! die clash, 30 rotated die, AU
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#340272 USSR, 1935, 20 kopeks, Y 104, Ф 32, Shyol 15a, AU
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#340273 USSR, 1936, 20 Kopeks, Y 104, Ф 34, Shyol 16a, Ch AU
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$20 .00
#330101 USSR, 1937, 20 kopeks, Y 104, Ф 36, XF+
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#340274 USSR, 1938, 20 Kopeks, Y 111, Ф 39, Shyol 18a, XF
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#360173 USSR, 1939, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 42, VF-XF
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#360174 USSR, 1940, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 44, lustrous, AU
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#340275 USSR, 1941, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 47, Shyol 21a, UNC
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#410244 USSR, 1942, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 51, Til 1, with unfinished rx die (vinyl record grooves) some original mint luster, AU
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#330102 USSR, 1943, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 54, Shyol 23Г, XF
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#340277 USSR, 1943, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 55, Shyol 23a, XF
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#520389 USSR, 1943, 20 kopeks, Y 111, sim. To Ф 55 (1.12a/Ф34) and Til 16, but ear of wheat to the left of the star has 6 well defined ears. Oak leaf to the left of the shield has 3 indentations, XF
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#520390 USSR, 1943, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 60, Til 8, tiny old gauges on rx, XF
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#340278 USSR, 1944, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 66, VF+
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#410245 USSR, 1945, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 69, Til 1, AU
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#360175 USSR, 1946, 20 kopeks, Y 111, Ф 71, Shyol 71, lustrous, AU
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#520391 USSR, 1948, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 73, Til 1, VF
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#340280 USSR, 1948, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 77, Shyol 27B, XF+
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#520392 USSR, 1949, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 81, Til 1, VF-XF
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#330103 USSR, 1950, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 88, two old scratches on rx, otherwise XF
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#360177 USSR, 1951, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 91, XF
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#520393 USSR, 1952, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 93, Til 1, Shyol 31б, VF+
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#360178 USSR, 1952, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 94, Shyol 31a, AU
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#340281 USSR, 1953, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 98, Shyol 32a, lustrous, XF+
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#520394 USSR, 1954, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 99, Til 1, lustrous, AU
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#520395 USSR, 1954, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 100, Til 2, XF
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#360179 USSR, 1954, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 101, Shyol 33b, VF-XF
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#520396 USSR, 1954, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 102, Til 3, lustrous, AU
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#360180 USSR, 1955, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 103, Shyol 34a, XF+
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#360181 USSR, 1956, 20 kopeks, Y 118, Ф 105, die clash, lustrous, Ch AU
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#520397 USSR, 1957, 20 kopeks, Y 125, Ф 106, Til 1, Shyol 36б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340282 USSR, 1957, 20 kopeks, Y 125, Ф 106, Shyol 36b, business strike, BU
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#520398 USSR, 1957, 20 kopeks, Y 125, Ф 108, Til 3, Shyol 36a, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#340283 USSR, 1961, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 111, Shyol 37a, specimen strike, BU
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#520401 USSR, 1961, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 112, Shyol 37б, business strike, VF-XF
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#340284 USSR, 1962, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 114, specimen strike, BU
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#520403 USSR, 1962, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 114, business strike, VF-XF
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#340285 USSR, 1967, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 117, specimen strike, BU
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#520405 USSR, 1968, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 118, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520406 USSR, 1969, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 119, specimen strike, lightly brushed on obv., but lustrous, AU
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#520411 USSR, 1974, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 125, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520412 USSR, 1975, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 127, business strike, VF-XF
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#520413 USSR, 1976, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 128, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520414 USSR, 1977, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 129, Shyol 51a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520416 USSR, 1978, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 131, Shyol 52a, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520418 USSR, 1979, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 133, business strike, XF Duplicate
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#520419 USSR, 1979, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 133, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520420 USSR, 1980, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 136, Shyol 54a, business strike, VF-XF
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#520421 USSR, 1980, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 138, Shyol 54в, business strike, few spots, but lustrous, XF+
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#520425 USSR, 1981, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 142, Shyol 55a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520426 USSR, 1981, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 143, Shyol 55б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520428 USSR, 1982, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 147, Shyol 56б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520429 USSR, 1983, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 149, Shyol 57a, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#520430 USSR, 1983, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 149, Shyol 57a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520431 USSR, 1983, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 150, Shyol 57б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520432 USSR, 1983, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 150, Shyol 52б, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520433 USSR, 1984, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 152, Shyol 58a, business strike, lustrous, XF
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#520434 USSR, 1984, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 152, Shyol 58a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520435 USSR, 1984, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 153, Shyol 58б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520436 USSR, 1985, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 155, Shyol 59a, business strike, XF
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#520437 USSR, 1985, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 155, Shyol 59a, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520438 USSR, 1985, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 156, Shyol 59б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520440 USSR, 1986, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 157, Shyol 60б, business strike, VF-XF
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#520441 USSR, 1986, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 157, Shyol 60б, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520442 USSR, 1986, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 158, Shyol 60a, business strike, XF
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#520443 USSR, 1986, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 159, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520444 USSR, 1987, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 160, Shyol 61, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520445 USSR, 1987, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 160, Shyol 61, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520446 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 163, business strike, lustrous, VF-XF
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#520447 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 163, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520448 USSR, 1988, (MMД), 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 164, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520449 USSR, 1989, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 167, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520450 USSR, 1989, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 167, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520452 USSR, 1990, (ЛMД), 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 169, business strike, XF
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#520453 USSR, 1990, (ЛMД), 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 169, few discoloration spots, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520454 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 170, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520455 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 170, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520456 USSR, 1991, Л, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 173, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520457 USSR, 1991, M, 20 kopeks, Y 132, Ф 131, Shyol 52a, business strike, lustrous, AU
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50 kopeks
#340289 RSFSR, 1922, ПЛ, 50 kopeks, Y 83, Ф3 BU
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#330106 RSFSR, 1922, AГ, 50 kopeks, Y 83, Ф 2, AU
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#330107 USSR, 1924, T.P, poltinnik, Y 89.1, Ф 4, Shyol 3a, lustrous AU
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#520459 USSR, 1924, ПЛ, poltinnik, Y 89.1, Ф 10, Til 8, lustrous, AU
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#520460 USSR, 1924, ПЛ, poltinnik, Y 89.1, Ф 13, Til 12, VF-XF
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#330108 USSR, 1925, poltinnik, Y 89.2, Ф19, Shyol 4Б, lustrous, AU
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#330109 USSR, 1925, poltinnik, Y 89.2, Ф21, Shyol 4a, VF-XF
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#330110 USSR, 1926, poltinnik, Y 89.2, Ф 22?, smaller blacksmith, XF+
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#330111 USSR, 1926, poltinnik, Y 89.2, Ф 22Б, larger blacksmith, AU
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#330112 USSR, 1927, poltinnik, Y 89.2, Ф 23, VF-XF
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#520461 USSR, 1961, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.1, Ф 26, Shyol 7a, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#330113 USSR, 1961, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 26, Shyol 7a, specimen strike, BU
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#330114 USSR, 1964, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 27, business strike, few spots BU
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#330114a USSR, 1964, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 27, business strike, XF+
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#330115 USSR, 1964, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 27, specimen strike, BU
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#340292 USSR, 1965, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 28, business strike, XF
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#340294 USSR, 1966, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 29, business strike, VF-XF
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#520462 USSR, 1966, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 29, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#330116 USSR, 1967, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 30, specimen strike, BU
[picture] [picture]
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#520464 USSR, 1968, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 31, business strike, VF-XF
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#520465 USSR, 1968, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 31, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520466 USSR, 1969, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 32, few discoloration spots, business strike, VF-XF
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#520467 USSR, 1969, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 32, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520471 USSR, 1972, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 35, business strike, VF-XF
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#520472 USSR, 1972, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 35, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#340297 USSR, 1973, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 36, business strike, Ch AU
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#520473 USSR, 1973, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 36, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520474 USSR, 1974, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 37, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#330117 USSR, 1975, 50 kopeks, Y 133.1, Ф 38, business strike, AU
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#520475 USSR, 1976, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 39, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#340298 USSR, 1977, 50 kopeks, Y 133.2, Ф 41, Shyol 21a, business strike, BU
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#520476 USSR, 1977, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 41, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520477 USSR, 1978, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 43, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520478 USSR, 1979, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 45, couple discoloration spots on rx., business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520479 USSR, 1979, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 46, business strike, VF-XF
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#520480 USSR, 1979, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 46, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520481 USSR, 1980, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 47, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520482 USSR, 1981, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 48, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520483 USSR, 1982, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 49, couple discoloration spots on rx., business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520484 USSR, 1984, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 51, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520485 USSR, 1985, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 52, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520486 USSR, 1986, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 53, a discoloration spot on obv., business strike, small spot, XF
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#340299 USSR, 1986, 50 kopeks, Y 133.2, Ф 53, specimen strike, BU
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#520487 USSR, 1987, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 55, business strike, VF-XF
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#520488 USSR, 1988, (ЛMД), 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 56, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520490 USSR, 1990, (MMД), 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 63, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520491 USSR, 1991, Л, 50 kopeks, Y 133a.2, Ф 65, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520492 USSR, 1991, Л, 50 kopeks, Y 292, Ф 67, business strike, lustrous, BU
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1 Rouble
#330118 RSFSR, 1921, AГ, 1 rouble, Y 84, Ф 1, Shyol 1a, no pearl, lustrous XF-AU
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#330122 USSR, 1924, ПЛ, 1 rouble, Y 90, Ф9, Shyol 3Б, UNC
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#330123 USSR, 1924, ПЛ, 1 rouble, Y 90, Ф10, Shyol 3Б, AU
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#340301 USSR, 1961, 1 rouble, Y 134.1, Ф 13, specimen strike, BU
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#520493 USSR, 1961, 1 rouble, Y 134.1, Ф 13, a discoloration spot on rx., business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520494 USSR, 1964, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 14, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#330124 USSR, 1964, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 14, specimen strike, BU
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#340302 USSR, 1965 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 15, specimen strike, BU
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#520495 USSR, 1965, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 15, business strike, lustrous, AU
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#520496 USSR, 1967, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 17, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#450027 USSR, 1969, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, F 20, Specimen Strike, BU
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#520499 USSR, 1972, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 23, specimen strike, lustrous, AU
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#340305 USSR, 1974, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 25, business strike, AU
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#520500 USSR, 1984, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 38, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520502 USSR, 1985, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 39, business strike, VF-XF Duplicate
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#520504 USSR, 1986, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 40, business strike, VF-XF Duplicate
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#520505 USSR, 1987, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 41, business strike, lightly brushed, AU
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#520506 USSR, 1988, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 42, business strike, VF-XF Duplicate
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#520507 USSR, 1988, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 42, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#520508 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 44, specimen strike sealed in original set cellophane together with mint jeton, lustrous, BU
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#330129 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 46, business strike, BU
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#520509 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 46, specimen strike, lustrous, BU
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#330130 USSR, 1991, M, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 48, business strike, BU
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#340307 USSR, 1991, Л, 1 rouble, Y 134.2, Ф 47, specimen strike, BU
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5 ROUBLES 1991
#520511 USSR, 1991, (ЛMД), 5 roubles, Y 294, Ф 2, business strike, lustrous, BU
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#520512 USSR, 1991, (MMД), 5 roubles, Y 294, Ф 3, business strike, lustrous, XF
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10 Roubles
#340308 USSR, 1991, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 295, Ф 15, 2 coins of both alloys (65%Cu, 35%Zn and 90%Cu, 10%Zn), UNC
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#460155 1961, 1963, ЛMД, 1 and 2 kopeks of 1963, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 kopeks of 1961 set sold by Ahlstom Mynthandel AB in June 1964, with original bill of sale, original packaging and envelope. UNC
[picture] [picture] [picture] [picture] [picture] [picture]
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#330139 USSR, 1962, ЛMД, Official year set, as issued
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#330140 USSR, 1964, ЛMД, Official year set, as issued
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#460156 1967 ЛMД, 10, 15, 20, 50 kopeks and 1 rouble Official Commemorative Set, 50 years of October Socialist Revolution, 5 coins and Mint Jetton. Coins and cellophane in perfect condition, specimen strike
[picture] [picture]
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#460157 1973 ЛMД, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 kopeks, 1 rouble and Mint Jetton Official Year set, in soft cellophane with official certificate claiming 10,000 pieces total mintage. Coins and cellophane in perfect condition, specimen strike
[picture] [picture] [picture]
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#460158 1975 ЛMД, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 kopeks, 1 rouble, Mint Jetton and Mint Tag Official Year set, in hard plastic with red background, in dark green cardboard outer box with two small tears on the box. Coins and plastic are in perfect condition, specimen strike
[picture] [picture] [picture]
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#460159 1976 ЛMД, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 kopeks, 1 rouble, Mint Jetton and Mint Tag Official Year set, in hard plastic with red background, no outer box. Coins and plastic are in perfect condition, specimen strike
[picture] [picture]
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#330149 USSR, 1977, ЛMД, Official year set, yellow cover, red background, as issued
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#460160 1979 ЛMД, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 kopeks, 1 rouble, Mint Jetton and Mint Tag Official Year set, in hard plastic with black background, no outer box, but all coins without any spots, specimen strike
[picture] [picture]
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#360243 1980, 1976, Olympic set. This is a very unusual Olympic set. I�ve never handled this kind of set before. There are two components in a hard cardboard box (solid 4 wall hard cardboard with two sides open) 115 x 174 mm, with Olympic Emblem on it (see pic.1):
[picture] [picture] [picture]
1. 1976 Year Set in an unusual red cardboard 4-wall box, similar to an outside box (see pic. 2). 1 kopeck to 1 rouble: Ф 157, 127, 166, 122, 138, 144, 128(100 ye), 39, 27.
2. Booklet titled 1980 Olympic Stamp Program with a free laying printed photograph of Jesse Owens addressed on the other side "To an Olympic supporter with compliments and best wishes", signed Jesse Owens. The signature is printed. The booklet title page has "THE FIRST OFFICIAL 1980 OLYMPIC STAMPS", Olympic Emblem and Copyright Olimpiad-80, 1976 in small letters on the bottom. Following pages contain 3 blocks of special Olympic issue postage stamps with Olympic surcharge 4x 4k+2k, 10k+5k, 16k+6k with their descriptions on the left page and a souvenir block of 60?+30? stamp. The stamps are scarce and I�ve seen single stamps of that issue offered on internet for $75 each.
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#460163 1990 ЛMД, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 kopeks, 1 rouble and Mint Jetton from Official Year set, out of original packaging, all coins are problem free, specimen strike
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#460164 1991 ЛMД, 50 kopeks, 1, 5 and 10 roubles. Official State Bank issue Year set. UNC
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#380103 Complete set of 4 coins issued for Russian Coalmining Company "Arcticugol" operating on that Norwegian island under a lease conditions. When Russia struck those coins with Russian Federation legend on its reverse, Norway posted an official protest, sighting that it had authority over the island. Russia recalled all the coins and claimed to have them destroyed. However, few survived.
1. SPITSBERGEN, 1993, MMД, 10 roubles, KM Tn5, Arktikugol, BU
2. SPITSBERGEN, 1993, MMД, 25 roubles, KM Tn6, Arktikugol, BU
3. SPITSBERGEN, 1993, MMД, 50 roubles, KM Tn7, Arktikugol, BU
4. SPITSBERGEN, 1993, MMД, 100 roubles, KM Tn8, Arktikugol, BU
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#460165 1997 CПMД, 1, 5, 10, 50 kopeks, 1, 2, 5 roubles. Official Mint Set, UNC
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#360182 1965, 1 rouble, Y 135.1, Shyol 1a, 20th Anniversary of Victory over Germany, BU
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#360185 1970, 1 rouble, Y 141, Shyol 3a, Lenin Birth Centennial, brushed, XF
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#340313 USSR, 1975, ЛMД, 1 rouble, Y 142.1, Shyol 4b, 30th ann. Vic WWII, specimen strike, BU
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#360186 1975, 1 rouble, Y 142.1, Shyol 4a, 30th Anniversary of Victory over Germany, Specimen strike, BU
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#330155 USSR, 1977, 1 rouble, Y 143.1, Shyol 5a, 60th Anniversary of Revolution, specimen strike, BU
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#340315 USSR, 1977, ЛMД, 5 roubles, Y 145, Kiev, PROOF
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#330157 USSR, 1977, ЛMД, 5 roubles, Y 146, Leningrad, PROOF
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#340318 USSR, 1977, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 149, Moscow, BU
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#340320 USSR, 1977, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 150, Map of USSR, BU
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#340321 USSR, 1977, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 150, Map of USSR, PROOF
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#330159 USSR, 1978, ЛMД, 5 roubles, Y 155, Swimming, frosted, matt die, BU
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#330160 USSR, 1978, MMД, 5 roubles, Y 156, High jump, PROOF
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#330161 USSR, 1978, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 158.1, Cycling, PROOF
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#340324 USSR, 1978, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 158.1, Cycling, BU
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#340325 USSR, 1978, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 159, Canoeing, BU
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#340326 USSR, 1978, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 159, Canoeing, PROOF
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#340327 USSR, 1978, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 160, "Catch a bride", BU
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#340328 USSR, 1978, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 160, "Catch a bride", PROOF
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#340329 USSR, 1978, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 161, Pole Vaulting, BU
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#340330 USSR, 1978, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 161, Pole Vaulting, PROOF
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#330162 USSR, 1978, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 161, Pole Vaulting, BU
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#340331 USSR, 1979, 1 rouble, Y 164, Shyol 3b, no parallel V2/Б, University, BU
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#340335 USSR, 1979, MMД, 5 roubles, Y 167, Hammer throw, PROOF
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#340336 USSR, 1979, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 168, Basketball, BU
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#340337 USSR, 1979, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 168, Basketball, PROOF
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#340338 USSR, 1979, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 169, Volleyball, BU
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#340341 USSR, 1979, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 170, Boxing, PROOF
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#340342 USSR, 1979, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 171, Judo, PROOF
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#330165 USSR, 1979, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 171, Judo, BU
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#330166 USSR, 1979, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 171, Judo, PROOF
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#340343 USSR, 1979, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 171, Judo, BU
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#340344 USSR, 1979, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 172, Lifting of the Weigh, BU
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#340350 USSR, 1980, MMД, 10 roubles, Y 183, Khuresh, BU
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#330169 USSR, 1980, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 183, Khuresh, PROOF
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#340353 USSR, 1980, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 184, Tug of war, PROOF
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#340355 USSR, 1980, ЛMД, 10 roubles, Y 185, Reindeer racing, PROOF
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#330170 USSR, ND (1981), 1 rouble, Y 188.1, 20 ann. Gagarin's flight, PROOF
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#330171 USSR, 1981, 1 rouble, Y 189.1, Russian-Bulgarian Friendship, PROOF
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#360191 USSR, 1983, 1 rouble, Y 191.1, Karl Marx, PROOF
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#330172 USSR, 1983, 1 rouble, Y 192.1, 20 years Tereshkova flight, PROOF
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#330173 USSR, 1983, 1 rouble, Y 193.1, Feodorov, PROOF
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#330174 USSR, 1984, 1 rouble, Y 194.1, Mendeleyev 150th birthday anniversary, PROOF
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#330175 USSR, 1984, 1 rouble, Y 195.1, Popov, PROOF
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#340357 USSR, 1984 1 rouble, Y 196.1, oval center in "9", Pushkin, UNC
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#340358 USSR, 1984 1 rouble, Y 196.1, round center in "9", Pushkin, PROOF
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#330176 USSR, 1985, 1 rouble, Y 197.1, Lenin, PROOF
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#330177 USSR, 1985, 1 rouble, Y 198.1, 40th Anniversory of Victory in WWII, PROOF
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#340360 USSR, 1985, 1 rouble, Y 200.1, Engels, PROOF
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#340361 USSR, 1986, Л, 1 rouble, Y 201.3, Year of Peace, PROOF
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#340362 USSR, 1986 1 rouble, Y 202.1, Lomonosov, PROOF
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#340363 USSR, 1987, 1 rouble, Y 203, Shyol 22b, IV.7, Borodino Basrelief, PROOF
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#340364 USSR, 1987, 1 rouble, Y 204, Shyol 21a, IV.4, Borodino Monument, in original cellophane, PROOF
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#340365 USSR, 1987, 1 rouble, Y 204, Shyol 21b, Borodino Monument, PROOF
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#360204 USSR, 1987, (MMД), 1 rouble, Y 205, Shyol 23a, Tsiolkovsky, PROOF
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#360205 USSR, 1988, 1 rouble, Y 209, Gorky, PROOF
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#360206 USSR, 1988, 1 rouble, Y 216, Shyol 25b, Tolstoy, BU
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#360207 USSR, 1988, 1 rouble, Y 216, Shyol 25b, Tolstoy, PROOF
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#330179 USSR, 1988, MMД, 3 roubles, Y 210, Ag 1 oz tr., St. Sophia Cathedral, PROOF
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#330178 USSR, 1988, ЛMД, 3 roubles, Y 211, Ag 1 oz tr., Coins of G.D. Vladimir, PROOF
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#360208 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 220, Musorgsky, PROOF
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#360209 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 228, incused meridians, Lermontov, BU
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#360210 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 228, incused meridians, Lermontov, PROOF
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#360212 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 232, Niyazy, PROOF
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#360213 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 233, Eminescu, BU
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#360214 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 233, Eminescu, PROOF
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#360215 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 235, Shevchenko, BU
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#360216 USSR, 1989, 1 rouble, Y 235, Shevchenko, PROOF
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#430100 USSR, 1989 MMД, 3 roubles, Y 222, Ag 900, 31.1g pure, Moscow Kremlin, PROOF
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#360217 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 236, Tchaikovsky, BU
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#360218 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 236, Tchaikovsky, PROOF
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#360220 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 237, Zhukov, PROOF
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#360221 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 240, Chekhov, BU
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#360222 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 240, Chekhov, PROOF
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#360223 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 257, Rainis, BU
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#360224 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 257, Rainis, PROOF
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#360225 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 258, Scorina, BU
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#360226 USSR, 1990, 1 rouble, Y 258, Scorina, PROOF
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#360227 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 260, incused meridians, Navoi, BU
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#360228 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 260, protruding meridians, Navoi, PROOF
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#360229 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 261, protruding meridians, Lebedev, BU
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#360230 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 261, incused meridians, Lebedev, PROOF
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#360231 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 263, Prokofiev, BU
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#360232 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 263, Prokofiev, PROOF
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#360233 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 282, Ivanov, BU
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#360234 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 282, Ivanov, PROOF
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#360235 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 283, Makhtumkuli, BU
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#360236 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 283, Makhtumkuli, PROOF
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#360237 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 284, Gyanzhevi, BU
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#360238 USSR, 1991, 1 rouble, Y 284, Gyanzhevi, PROOF
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Last updated 01/18/25
(C) 2000 Sema