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Nicholas II (1894-1917)
#260359 1895 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 28, VF-XF
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#290430 1895 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 50, F
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#400185 1895, CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 72, cleaned VG
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#420227 1895, AГ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, Jul 868, VF-XF
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#260360 1896 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 14, F-VF
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#260361 1896 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 29, VF-XF
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#260362 1896 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 51, VF - XF
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#290432 1896 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 72, F-VF
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#260363 1896 25 kopeks, Y 57, Jul 673, VF-XF
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#390521 1896 25 kopeks, Y 57, Jul 673, Uzd 2073, buffed, XF
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#390522 1896 AГ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, Jul 869, gorgeous patina, VF-XF
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#260364 1896 AГ 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, J 869, VF+
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#290433 1896 * (Paris mint), 50 kopeks, Y 58.1, Jul 870, VF+
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#360096 1896 AГ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1196, abt XF
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#250282 1896* (Paris mint) 1 rouble, Y 59.2, J 1197, F
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#390523 1896 AГ, Coronation rouble, Y 60, Jul 1225, VF-XF
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#260366 1897 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 15, XF
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#260367 1897 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 30, VF
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#260368 1897 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 52, F
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#260370 1897* (Paris mint), 50 kopeks, Y 58.1, J 870, VF
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#290434 1897 AГ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1198, Kaz 25, VF-XF
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#300404 1897 ** (Brussels mint), 1 rouble, Y 59.1, Jul 1199, XF+
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#290435 1898 CПБ, 1/4kopek, Y 47.1, Br 5, AU
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#350207 1898 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 16, SLABBED, NGC MS 63 RB
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#250284 1898 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 16, AU-UNC
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#450025 1898 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 16, lots of red, BU
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#260371 1898 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 31, XF
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#400187 1898, CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 53, VF-XF
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#260372 1898 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 75, VF-XF
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#250285 1898 CПБ AГ, 5 kopeks silver, Y 19a.1, Jul 123, AU-UNC
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#250285a 1898 CПБ AГ, 5 kopeks silver, Y 19a.1, Jul 123, XF
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#420229 1898, CПБ AГ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 281, F-VF
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#290436 1898 CПБ AГ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 372, F-VF
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#360099 1898 AГ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1201, abt XF
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#290437 1898 * (Paris mint), 1 rouble, Y 59.2, Jul 1202, VF-XF
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#290438 1898 ** (Brussels mint), 1 rouble, Y 59.1, Jul 1203(S), SCARCE!! VF+
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#340139 1899 CПБ, 1/4 kopek, Y 47.1, Br 6, BU
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#290439 1899 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 17, Kaz 194, AU
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#260374 1899 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 32, VF-XF
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#310539 1899 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 54, VF-XF
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#350208 1899 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 54, cleaned, VF+
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#350209 1899 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 76, VF-XF
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#350210 1899 CПБ AГ, 5 kopeks, Y 19a.1, Jul 124, Uzd 2109, F-VF
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#260375 1899 CПБ AГ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 282, VF
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#290442 1899 AГ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.1, Jul 873, VF-XF
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#390525 1899 AГ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.1, Jul 873, Uzd 2099, VF-XF
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#310542 1899 * (Paris mint), 50 kopeks, Y 58.1, Jul 876, VF-XF
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#250286 1899 ЭБ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1204, VF-XF
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#290443 1899 ФЗ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1205, XF
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#390526 1899 ∗∗ (Brussels mint), 1 rouble, Y 59.1, Jul 1206, Uzd 2098, VF-XF
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#280100 1899 ** (Brussels mint), 1 rouble, Y 59.1, Jul 1206, VF+
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#310543 1900 CПБ, 1/4 kopek, Y 47.1, Br 7, some red AU
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#260376 1900 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 18, XF+
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#300406 1900 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 33, VF-XF
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#300407 1900 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 55, cleaned, F-VF
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#290444 1900 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 77, VF
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#420230 1900 CПБ ФЗ, 5 kopeks silver, Y 19a.1, Jul 126, VF-XF
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#390527 1900 CПБ ФЗ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 284, VF+
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#430087 1900 CПБ ФЗ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 375, VF-XF
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#370194 1900 CПБ ФЗ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 375, F-VF
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#290445 1900 ФЗ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, Jul 877, VF
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#250287 1900 ФЗ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1207 (S),small scratch on the neck, abt.XF
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#260377 1901 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 34, XF
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#260378 1901 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 56, VF +
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#260379 1901 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 78, F-VF
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#260380 1901 CПБ ФЗ, 5 kopeks silver, Y 19a.1, Jul 127, XF
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#300408 1901 CПБ ФЗ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 285, VF
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#420231 1901, CПБ ФЗ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 521, F
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#260381 1901 ФЗ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1208, Kaz 224, VF-XF
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#260382 1901 ФЗ, 1 rouble, Y 59.3, Jul 1208, Kaz 225, abt XF
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#290447 1901 ФЗ, 1 rouble, white metal period counterfeit, lettered edge, graffiti under the head, XF
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#260383 1902 CПБ AP, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 287, Uzd 21234, VF
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#250289 1902 CПБ AP, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 378, Uzd 2133, VF
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#510126 1902, 37.5 roubles / 100 francs RESTRIKE, Official Bank of Russia Restrike, UNC
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#260385 1903 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 36, UNC
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#310545 1903 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 58, VF
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#260386 1903 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 80, XF-AU
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#260388 1903 CПБ AP, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 288, VF-XF
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#350212 1903 CПБ AP, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 379, VF
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#260389 1904 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 37, VF
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#260390 1904 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 59, VF-XF
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#260391 1904 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 81, F-VF
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#260392 1904 CПБ AP, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 289, VF-XF
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#390531 1904 CПБ AP, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 289, F
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#250290 1904 CПБ AP, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 380, VF+
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#270277 1904 CПБ AP, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 525, VF
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#260393 1905 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 38, VF-XF
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#250291 1905 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 60, VF
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#290449 1905 CПБ AP, 5 kopeks silver, Y 19a.1, Jul 132, Uzd 2152, AU
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#300411 1905 CПБ AP, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 290, VF-XF
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#360100 1905 CПБ AP, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 381, XF
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#290450 1905 CПБ AP, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 526, VG-F
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#260394 1906 CПБ 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 39, VF+
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#250292 1906 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 61, F,
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#260395 1906 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 83, F
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#250294 1906 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 291, VF
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#260396 1906 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 382, VF+
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#250295 1906 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 527, F-VF
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#310547 1907 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 40, VF+
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#420233 1907, CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2 Br 62, F-VF
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#260398 1907 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 292, VF-XF
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#260399 1907 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 383, VF-XF
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#260400 1907 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 528, VF-XF
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#390533 1907 ЭБ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, Jul 884, few bumps on rx edge, VF+
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#290452 1908 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 19, porous, AU-UNC
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#260401 1908 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 41, VF-XF
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#260402 1908 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 63, VF-XF
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#340142 1908 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 82, VF-XF
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#260403 1908 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 82, VF+
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#250296 1908 CПБ ЭБ, 5 kopeks silver, Y 19a.1, Jul 134, VF-XF
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#260404 1908 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 293, XF
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#260405 1908 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 384, AU
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#390534 1908 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 384, AU
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#350214 1908 CПБ Э Б, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 529, Uzd 2166, VF-XF
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#430088 1909 CПБ, 1/4 kopek, Y 47.1, Br 8, red, BU
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#340143 1909, CПБ, 1/2kopek, Y 48.1, Br 20, red, Slabbed NGC MS 64 RB
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#430089 1909 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 20, red, BU
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#260407 1909 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 20, some red, UNC
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#260408 1909 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 42, VF-XF
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#260409 1909 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 64, VF+
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#260412 1909 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 294, XF+
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#430090 1909 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 385, lustrous, AU
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#420235 1909, CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 385, VF-XF
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#250297 1909 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 530, VF-XF
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#260413 1910 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 21, XF-AU
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#310549 1910 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 43, VF-XF
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#260414 1910 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 65, VF-XF
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#260415 1910 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 87, some red, VF+
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#260416 1910 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 295, VF-XF
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#430091 1910 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 531, Uzd. 2178, XF-AU
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#240608 1910 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 531, Uzd 2178 VF-XF
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#390535 1910 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 531, Uzd. 2178, VF+
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#420236 1910, ЭБ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, Jul 887, VF-XF
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#250299 1911 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 22, XF-AU
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#310551 1911 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 44, XF
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#290457 1911 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 66, VF-XF
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#260417 1911 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 88, VF-XF
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#400188 1911, CПБ, 5 kopeks, Y 12.2, Br 94, VF-XF
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#290458b 1911 CПБ ЭБ 5 kopeks silver, Y 19.1, Ch AU
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#430092 1911 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, J 296, lustrous AU
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#250300 1911 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, J 296, VF-XF
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#410219 1911 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 396, Uzd 2148, XF
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#260419 1911 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 532, VF
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#270279 1912 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 23, Slabbed, NGC MS 64 RB
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#370184 1912 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 23, Red and brown BU
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#270280 1912 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 45, Slabbed, NGC MS 64 RD
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#370185 1912 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 45, blazing red, Red BU
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#270281b 1912 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 67, VF-XF
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#400189 1912, CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.1, Br 89, VF-XF
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#250302 1912 CПБ ЭБ, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 297, XF
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#260421 1912 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 387, ch AU
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#460149 1912 CПБ ЭБ, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 387, slabbed NGC MS 64
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#260422 1912 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 533, abt. XF
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#390537 1912 CПБ ЭБ, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 533, VF-XF
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#250303 1912 ЭБ, 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, Jul 889, XF
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#390538 1912 ЭБ, 1 rouble, Y 59a.3, Jul 1220, XF-AU
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#270282 1913 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 24, Slabbed, NGC MS 64 RB
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#310553 1913 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 24, mostly red, BU
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#430093 1913 CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 24, some red, BU
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#270283 1913, CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9, Br 46, Slabbed, NGC MS 65 RD
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#460150 1913 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9, Br 46, slabbed NGC MS 65 RB
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#370188 1913 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 46, blazing red, Red BU
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#310554 1913 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 68, XF
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#440178 1913 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 90. Though graded by NGC as RB it is as Red as they come, slabbed NGC MS 64 RB
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#420238 1913, CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 90. Though graded by NGC as RB it is as Red as they come., slabbed, NGC MS 63 RB
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#370189 1913 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 90, Red BU
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#290460 1913 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 90, XF+
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#260423 1913 CПБ BC, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, Jul 299, Ch AU-UNC
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#250306 1913 CПБ BC, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 390, red, AU
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#390539 1913 CПБ BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Juul 536, Uzd. 2200, UNC
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#310556 1913 CПБ BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 536, Uzd. 2200, Ch AU
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#240615 1913 CПБ BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, J 536, Uzd. 2200, XF
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#290461 1913 BC, 50 kopeks, Y 58.2, Jul 891, XF+
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#400190 1914, CПБ, 1/2 kopek, Y 48.1, Br 25, some red, XF-AU
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#270287 1914 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 47, Slabbed, NGC MS 64 RD
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#310557 1914 CПБ, 1 kopek, Y 9.2, Br 47, full red BU
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#370190 1914 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 69, Red BU
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#460151 1914 CПБ, 2 kopeks, Y 10.2, Br 69, slabbed NGC MS 64 RB
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#310559 1914 CПБ, 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 91, VF-XF
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#260425 1914 CПБ BC, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, BU
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#390542 1914 CПБ BC, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.2, VF-XF
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#260426 1914, CПБ BC, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.2, Jul 390, AU
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#380101 1914 CПБ BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 537, Slabbed NGC MS 63
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#260427 1914 CПБ BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.1, Jul 537, BU
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#310561 1915 1/2 kopek, Y 48.2, Br 26, XF-AU
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#270290 1915 1 kopek, Y 9.3, Br 48, Slabbed, NGC MS 64 RB
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#310562 1915 1 kopek, Y 9.3, Br 48, Full Red BU
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#370192 1915 2 kopeks, Y 10.3, Br 70, Red BU
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#310563 1915 2 kopeks, Y 10.3, Br 70, lots of red, Ch AU-UNC
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#370193 1915 3 kopeks, Y 11.2, Br 92, Red and brown UNC
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#350215 1915 BC, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.3, Jul 301, Slabbed NGC MS 65
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#250308 1915 BC 10 kopeks, Y 20a.3, Jul 301, BU
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#390544 1915 BC 10 kopeks, Y 20a.3, Jul 301, VF-XF
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#350216 1915 BC, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.3, Jul 392, Slabbed NGC MS 65
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=310564(imperial_coins, Nicholas_II) 1915, BC, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.3, Jul 392, BU
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#460153 1915 BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.3, slabbed NGC MS 66
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#390545 1915 BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.3, UNC
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#390546 1915 BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.3, UNC
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#310565 1915 BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.3, XF
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#310566 1916 1 kopek, Y 9.3, Br 49, Ch AU
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#260428 1916 2 kopeks, Y 10.3, Br 71, brushed AU
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#370195 1916 3 kopeks, Y 11.3, Br 93, BU with some red
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#310567 1916 3 kopeks, Y 11.3, Br 93, XF+
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#390547 1916 BC, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.3, Jul 302, Uzd 2221, BU
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#290465 1916, Osaka, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.1, Slabbed NGC MS 66
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#290465a 1916, Osaka, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.1, Slabbed NGC MS 65
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#310569 1916, Osaka mint, 10 kopeks, Y 20a.1, Jul 303, BU
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#270294 1916 BC, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.3, Jul 393, BU
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#220359 1916 BC, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.3, Jul 393, XF
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#290466 1916, Osaka, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.1, Jul 394, Slabbed NGC MS 66
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#270295 1916, Osaka, 15 kopeks, Y 21a.1, Jul 394, BU
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#250309 1916 BC, 20 kopeks, Y 22a.2, Jul 539, BU
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#280104 GERMAN OCCUPATION, WWI, 1916 A, 1 kopek, KM 21, VF
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#400191 GERMAN OCCUPATION, WWI, 1916, J, 1 kopek, KM 21, rare in this condition, BU
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#300413 GERMAN OCCUPATION, WWI, 1916 J, 1 kopek, KM 21, some rust, XF
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#420242 GERMAN OCCUPATION, 1916, A (Berlin), 3 kopeks, KM 23, very little corrosion, VF-XF
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Last updated 07/15/21
(C) 2000 Sema